chapter four.

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On the hunt

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On the hunt

A MILLION THOUGHTS WENT THROUGH Cleo's mind as she pushed her body upward, following what her Sensei was telling her. She was angry at herself for liking what her and Hawk had done to Miyagi-do, but it made her feel powerful. Sure, they lost some members from Cobra Kai but, with the ways she had been raised, it made her believe that everyone who left was weak.



"This could all be over in an instant. The decisions yours! Who trashed Miyagi-do? Y'all know i'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here. At least anymore." The Harper girl continued to stand up, and go down again, wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead as she did. "So, i'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?"

"It was not me, Sensei. I would never disrespect another mans dojo—" Stingray spoke, making the girl roll her eyes.

"Shut your cakehole, Chubs! I'm not looking for excuses! I'm looking for answers!" The Lawrence man yelled.

"Sensei, we really don't know who did it." Miguel was practically pleading for the man to let them stop at that point, the boy out of breath.

"It's not fair to the rest of us who didn't do it." Cleo felt she might as well play into the tiredness everyone else felt, not wanting to be suspected.

"Somebody knows something. Question is, who's gonna break?" Kreese spoke up as a phone started ringing in the back office.

Not his granddaughter, she wouldn't dare.

The Harper girl kept pushing upwards and falling downwards again. Finally, it started to catch up with her, and she started to lose her breath, making eye contact with Kreese. He had to feel a little bad for her, didn't he?

"Sensei, we need water." One of the students spoke to him, the girl not bothering to look who it was.

"Okay, two minute break!" The man yelled, everyone immediately letting out a sigh of relief. "Get your bearings."

Cleo fell down on the mat, looking up at the ceiling as she caught her breath.

"You okay down there?" The Harper girl smiled upon seeing Tory hovering over her.

"Nothing I can't handle." She put her hand up, the blonde taking it into her own before helping her up. "You?"

"I'm sweating like a maniac." The Nichols girl admitted as they walked over to their bags to get water. "This whole thing is crazy, right?"

"Yeah." Cleo's voice cracked as she bent down, grabbing her water bottle from her bag. "Super crazy, I just hope they find out who did it so we can stop."

"I don't know, it's kind of cute seeing you sweat like that." Tory took her sleeve and wiped a bead of sweat off the girls face. "Or maybe that's just me."

BAD GUY, tory nichols Where stories live. Discover now