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AFTER COBRA KAI PRACTICE TORY AND CLEO headed straight for the address that the Harper girls dad had given her. When they looked the address up on the gps, it was listed as the "South Seas" apartment complex in Reseda. The girl had little hope that they would find her mother here after all these years but, something was better than nothing at this point.
"Are you ready?" The blonde asked her ex, squeezing her shoulder lightly for comfort.
"As ready as i'll ever be." Cleo inhaled, and knocked on the door lightly.
The two teens waited for what felt like hours, and when nobody answered, she knocked again one more time for good measure.
"I heard you the first time." A woman whipped the door open but, it came to a thudded stop because a chain was connected to it. "What?"
"Hi, I was uh... we were—... does anyone by the name of Giulia Polizzo live here?" Cleo asked, as politely as she could without feeling like her brain was about to explode.
"Never heard of her." The woman shut and locked the door behind her, leaving the teen with a million unanswered questioned.
"Do you want me to knock again and kick her ass?" Tory questioned, in all seriousness, then she realized her kicking ass was what broke them up and immediately wished she could retract the statement.
"No, let's go to the office." Cleo sighed in disappointment and walked down the stairs and towards the office with the blonde behind her.
The apartment building was old, for sure and the girl could imagine her mother walking around here, probably swimming in the old dirty pool in the middle of the courtyard, or throwing out trash at the dumpster.
These were all assumptions though, she still had absolutely no clue what her mom was really like.
Cleo opened up the door to the office and smiled at the man behind the counter to get his attention.
"Hello, we were looking for someone who used to live here and i'm wondering if you can help?" She asked, her head tilting slightly to the side.
"Can't help you, all the records for this place are classified." The man shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to look at her.
The two teen girls looked at each other for a moment, before Cleo sighed and took money from her pocket, slowly sliding it toward the man.
"She lived here in the early two thousands but, she was probably here in the eighties and nineties too." The Harper girl explained, having seen a small note in the folder that Kreese had met her long before she was pregnant with Cleo.
"Can't help you." The man replied one more time.
"Okay." Tory reached over the counter and held the man by the collar, pulling him towards her. "You're gonna show her what she needs, or i'm gonna kick your ass."