chapter eleven.

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CLEO FELT DRAINED AS SHE LISTENED to her grandfather give her, and all the other kids of Cobra Kai a speech. He seemed to be angry with them all after the school fight, and rightfully so but, she figured he was going about it all in the wrong way. Anger isn't always the way to solve a problem.

Or at least, that's what she was figuring out.

"Weakness is unacceptable. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers, and you lost the battle but, you will not lose the war. Diaz was one of our own, what they did, they did to all of us, and it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back, and we will strike back hard! Is that clear?" Kreese asked, the Harper girls heart hurting at the mention of Miguel.

He still hadn't woken up.

"Yes, sensei!" Cleo yelled, along with her fellow students.

"I can't hear you." Her grandfather yelled loudly.

"Yes, sensei." They repeated yet again, even louder this time, loud enough to pop someones ear lobes.

"Finish your warmups, I have something to take care of." The man spoke, waving his hand towards his office. "Queen Cobra, join me."

Cleo furrowed her brows but followed him into his office, settling down into the chair across from him.

"What's up?" She questioned, nervously rubbing her hands against her upper thigh. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no." Kreese waved his hand dismissively, shaking his head. "I wanted to talk to you about Tory."

This wasn't going to be good, not at all.

"I know you felt deeply for her, and I know you are angry with her but, for the good of Cobra Kai, we need her back." The man explained simply, laying it all out on the table for the girl. "We need two strong female fighters, and who better to stand by your side than her?"

"You know that I support all your decisions but, if you expect me to agree with this one, you're out of your mind gramps, i'm not going to help you get her back here. Don't you see what she caused?" Cleo scoffed lightly and shook her head. "Miguel almost died, I had a concussion, and god only knows who else got hurt."

"The Miyagi-do's, that's who. That is our goal, is it not?" Kreese asked with a devilish smile. "I'm going to visit her at her house, and before you say anything.. yes, you are coming with me. No, I will not take no for an answer."

Here it was again, Cleo never having a say.

  WAITING FOR TORY TO OPEN THE DOOR was like hell for Cleo. The last time they seen each other, things didn't turn out quite well and in a way, she regretted it but, at the same time she didn't. If Tory could overreact so greatly to what happened, who knows what their future would be like?

BAD GUY, tory nichols Where stories live. Discover now