chapter nine.

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Bad endings

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Bad endings

  CLEO FELT AN OVERWHELMING SENSE OF worry that Tory wouldn't text her back. After the way the party ended, she was afraid that the cops had picked the blonde up and arrested her. That, or she had troubles at home, or a hangover, or maybe something even worse.

"God, i'm such an idiot." The Harper girl mumbled as she grabbed onto her temple, shoving her phone deep into her pocket.

She didn't really understand what was going on with her. Caring about someone so deeply had never come naturally for her, and now that she did, it was like she couldn't stop. Part of her just hoped she was overreacting, but her gut told her something was seriously wrong.

"Hey, Cleo! Ready for the first day of school?" Miguel questioned with a smile, holding onto the straps of his book bag.

"Not really." The Harper girl shrugged, both Cobra Kai students starting to walk towards the front entrance. "Have you seen Tory? I haven't talked to her since the party."

"No, we can ask Aisha. She texted me she's at her locker already." The Diaz boy shrugged lightly, furrowing his brows. "Did you two get into a fight or something?"

"No? Yes? I don't know, she hasn't talked to me since that whole her and Sam thing with the beer game." Cleo sighed. "If she was anyone else, I wouldn't even care she was upset with me, y'know? But I just can't stop thinking about what I could have done differently."

"You didn't do anything wrong, you were just looking after her." Miguel and the girl kept walking, the boy pushing his way through the front doors of the school.

"Yeah, well, she thought I was looking out for Sam." Cleo lightly shook her head, her hands feeling clammy. "I just hope she's okay."

"I bet she is, what's the worst that could have happened to her?" The Diaz boy asked it in a way that made his friend think.

... and as she looked around the hallways, and seen the blonde wasn't there, all she could think of was all the bad things.

CLEO TWISTED THE END OF HER MESSY PONYTAIL around her finger nervously. She just wanted the school day to be over so she could go straight to Tory's house and make sure she was okay. She didn't care about the first day of school, or karate, or her dad, or Kreese.

She just wanted to see her girlfriend.

"It is important to remember that all of our peers, regardless of—..." the sound of a door crashing over sounded off on the speaker. "Hey, what... you're not supposed to be in here! No! No! Give that back!"

BAD GUY, tory nichols Where stories live. Discover now