Chapter 7

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Mike's Pov.

Hey where did Will go? And no one noticed his disappearance.

"Hey do any of you guys know where Will is?"

"Probably at the bathroom." Spoke Lucas stuffing his face with ice cream.

10 minutes go by

"Guys I don't think Will is in the bathroom for a long time I'm gonna go check."
The red head got up and went into the public men's room in Scoops Ahoy.

"He's not there!" The girl said a bit panick in her voice.

"We have to go look for him Now!".
I said walking out of the store and running into random shops.

"Will ,Will WILLL!"
"Mike calm down, we will find him I'm sure." El smiled.

I gave a quick nodd and went over to Dustin and Lucas.

"Any luck?"

"Nope. You?"

"A negative."

"Guys wanna bike to his house and check?" Asked Max.

"Yes let's go." Said el pulling my sleeve as we walked.

"He left his bike." Pointed Dustin to our bikes.

I hope he's okay. Will please be okay.

We biked to the Byers residents.

We knocked.
No answer

Knock again still no answer.

I'm going in, I don't care I need to check if Will safe and okay I can't loose him agian.

"Let's go in" whispered Lucas
"Are you mad no"hushed max

"Too late guys Mike already in." Said Dustin while walking in.

Will where are you .
"He's not in his room" I shouted.

"Not in the bathroom"

"Not in the kitchen"

"No Will in the sitting room"

"He's not at Castle Byers"

They all said.

"We should wait for him." I suggested.

"Okay fine but by 6 I need to head home"she said rolling her eyes.

Ohh how she gets on my nerves, but I can't make a scene since she's friends with el!!.
She almost got us broken up.

The clock showed 3 and one by one party left.
Until it was only me.
As I heard the the door open I ran to see who it is.
Joyce but no Will.

"Mike is everything okay?"
"Do you know where Will is?" I ask with fright in my voice.

The phone rings

Joyce spoke for a while it was Will. I'm so happy.
"Can I speak to him?" I ask
"Sure hey Will Mike's here he wants to speak to you".
But before she handed me the phone it was cut!.

"He said something about a time limit. Come on I'll give you a ride home." Joyce said carrying a big of Wills things

"Where is Will?"
"Oh he's just spending the night at his friends house"

Which friend? Dustin, Lucas Or mmmMax............

Shit no they can't have a sleepover.

"Joyce it's okay you can drop of Wills things first then me of"

"Okay sweetie if it's not a bother."

We pulled up to the house I dreaded not to, Max's house. A million of questions went through my head as Joyce went towards the door. At least it was dark and no one could see me in the car.

It was Will and Max that opened the door and waved goodbye.

Why would he stay with her?
Is it something to do that happen at the movies?

Joyce dropped me off at my house. I waved a goodbye and thanks and headed straight to my room to figure out this mess. I thought we are still friends like at the dinner we had recently.

Back at the sleepover

Wills pov

Wake me up before you go go.
Because I'm not leaving before you so.

Wake me up before you go go I,
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that higghhhhh

"Whoa Max turn it down a bit before you wake the whole house" I said laughing.

"Sorry but this song just makes me express myself"

Our sleepover is amazing, gossiping, listening to our favourite tunes and eating loads of junk food.

"So Will" Max says turning down the music abit and jumped on her bed with her pillow cluched in her arms.

"Sooo Max" I said hoping not to get whacked by the pillow.

"What happen to you today, come on spill".she said patting a seat opposite her.

I have to tell her what if she thinks I'm a baby.
For crying out load Will she saw you in your dragon PJs she's not that bad.

"I couldn't take it okay!"I said bursting out.

"They kissed and cuddled next to me and Mike didn't even look nor speak to me the entire time only if he wanted to sit together and I was stuck sitting next to him. You had Lucas, Mike has el and Dustin has Suzie and what about me. Huh , your so strong I wish I could hold that emotion like you." I said looking down.

She placed an hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay Will I'm not always strong sometimes they can break me too. El she's special to me and I will protect her anytime and I'm sure you will to for Mike. But look on the bright side, Mike was worried about you I was there. He even pushed el away to get to know your safe."

"Yea your right thanks Max" I said returning the hug and grabbing a pillow secretly.

"Hey Max"


"What comes after pillow?" As a grin grew wild on my face.

"Um I don't know Bed?"

"Nope fight! Hiya!" I said hitting her on the head.

"Oh it's on Byers"she said cracking her knuckles

"Oh no"

The rest of the night was giggling and goofing around.

What a long ass chapter 😂.
Anyway hope you enjoy, thank you for the support and please vote❤️✨ilysm.🤭

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