Chapter 14

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Wills pov

I wake up in the dusty basement with a small peek of sunshine.i try to get up but a body lay on my chest.
I look down and see Mike Freakin Wheeler.
Oh my god he fell asleep on me, wait when did I fall asleep.
He looks so cute and his hair is so fluffy. I reach out to touch it and I was right it was super soft and felt like a cloud.

Little did I know the Raven haired boy was awake.

"Morning Will." Yawned and stretched Mike.
"Morning" I said blushing abit and rubbing the back of my neck.

"Let's go up for some breakfast shall we?"

"Yea that sounds nice." I said following him up the dusty stairs.

I wish I could tell him but I'm just so scared what if he rejects me and judges me. No Will this is Mike we are taking about he would ever your his best friend breathe Will.

"Hey Will my mum and them are put for the day."Mike said snapping me out of my thoughts as I poke out my eggs.

"Will are you okay?" He said touching my hand.

"Actually No I'm not okay. I'm in love with you and I have been since we met. That time we had our first sleepover and how over joyed I was to see you into he hospital the day I got out of the upside down. I have fallen for you Mike Wheeler and I don't know what to do. You may treat me differently or that you have a girlfriend. I don't wanna ruin that I just need to get it off my chest." I said with tears in my eyes.

3rd person pov.

The Raven haired boy git up from the other side of the table and pulled Will up from his chair greeting him with a passionate kiss. His pink strawberry lips felt like heaven to Will and Mike could not resist the rightness in kissing the smaller boy no matter what people said about them.
Mike broke apart form the kiss.

"I always loved you Will and you have nothing to fear I love you and only you."
Mike said while putting his chin on Will brown hair.

"Thank you Mike." Was all the smaller boy spoke.

Sooner the doorbell rang. It was there favourite Curley haired and bright smiled friends Lucas and Dustin. In there hands was a DND board.

"Who's ready to play?" Spoke Lucas.
"Wait we are playing DND I thought you guys didn't like it anymore" said the bowl haired cut boy with joy in his eyes like never before.
"Yup let's head down ." Said Dustin carrying a whole bunch of snacks.

"How and when did you guys organised this?" Spoke Will.

"Yesterday when you where asleep I called the guys to set a date."said Mike.

Will couldn't believe his ears he got up and had a group hug with his friends. This was the happiest day of his life.

Hours go by and they still play by the last final words.

"The team thinks there done but they have forgotten the Demogorgan!" Spoke Mike behind the board.

"Shit we are screwed" Dustin spoke.
"Will you can do this just roll a perfect 19 to beat him". Said Lucas.

This felt like deja vu to the boys. Like the day Will Byers went missing.

He picked up the dive and shook it gave it a lucky kiss and rolled it.

"And it is..." Yelled Dustin.

"A 19" said Lucas from his seat jumped to his Feet doing a little dance.

All the boys where super happy about winning and had a dance party which quickly lead on the road Lucas running up and down with Will on the road yelling how they won.

Mike sat in the curb of his house smiling that his Will is finally happy.

The afternoon breezy came by and soon the party left. Dustin and Lucas heading to the mall to hang with Steve. Will wanted to tag along to finally tell Robin how it went.

But he knew that deep down couldn't wait to snuggle a movie with Mike just how el used to do but this time it him.

Will couldn't believe what a day he had how happy.
They played abit of the Goonies and soon sleep took over Mike but Will layed awake and a smile glimpsed from his face till the credit of the movie.
He finally but carefully moved Mike on the couch and picked up the popcorn bowl.

He was happy, not for anyone else but himself.
Soon he got back to a sleeping Mike and cuddled him.

Later greeted by Mrs Wheelers flash of the camera on the two boys sound asleep into he couch.

I'm super sorry you guys to keep you waiting I had writer's block😣and this is such a short chapter. But I would post more often now. I love criticism so don't be afraid to comment. Thank you agian so much please vote❤️
You guys can also drop a few ideas on the comments on how to progress in the story. Taking up too much time anyway enjoy 💜

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