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A Rolls Royce was supposedly seen entering Hersey's county, today. Many bystanders who witnessed the vehicle said that they thought it may have been the Queen inside.

Hersey's county... A village in the south east of the kingdom where life is not so good. Gangs, cartels, protesters with fire and knives... If the village is known as anything it is dangerous.

Which begs the question... If the Queen did indeed visit Hersey's county, then why on earth was she there?

"Hersey's county?" Paul asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He and John were lay in bed, his head nested into the Alpha's side. "Isn't that where Denton's family live?"

"Hm." Was all John responded, his voice monotone.

Paul grew confused at John's silence, tilting his head up to face the older. John's eyes glared at the television, the colours flashing over his face. He seemed agitated, angry, even... And Paul wanted to know why. He had been acting this way since yesterday, and it was confusing Paul greatly.

"John?" He asked, lightly.

"Yeah?" John responded, miserably.

"Whatever is the matter?" The Omega shuffled about, sitting up on his knees and looking at his husband. His head tilted to the side. "You've been awfully distressed for the last few hours... What is on your mind?" Paul reached his hand over to stroke John's arm relaxingly.

"Oh, darling." John sighed, his head falling into his hands in pity for himself. "It's just Mimi... She's being so difficult at the moment..."

"She always is, is she not?"

"Yes... But this time it's worse." He sighed. "She just... She won't realise that there are other people than uncle George... It's been years since he has passed, and I get that losing a loved one hurts. God I'd go crazy if I lost you."

Paul bowed his head.

"But... But it's like whenever I mention anything about him, another person enters her body. Her eyes go dark and she becomes a different irritable being." John ran a stressed hand through his hair.

"Was... Was your uncle a nice man?" Paul asked, rather hesitantly.

"Yes... He was one of the nicest men I ever met." John spoke, voice high as he was thinking. "I remember when he used to dance with us at parties... Or order Martin to go and get fish and chips for the people in the palace."

The two chuckled.

"He was a great man... And everybody around here respected and adored him, Paul... Mimi obviously included..."

"My mother was the same back home." Paul spoke, rather not wanting to talk admire about his mother. John understood, clearing his throat.

They continued to watch the TV, John switching to channel 2 in order to watch the football. Though none of the two really concentrated on the game. A few minutes into their viewing (they had switched it on just before half time), John had stood up to turn the television down. Paul stared at him with a strange look.

"Relax, love..." John reassured him, smiling rather falsely. "I'm just going to make a phone call..." The Prince then began to leave the room.

"Then... Then why on earth did you turn the TV-" The door closed behind John, and Paul cut off his own sentence with a confused break, before frowning to himself.

Paul knew it was rude to listen in on other's phone calls, especially those of whom you hold close to your heart. However John and been acting weird lately, and he was sure there was something John was not telling him... But John would tell him, right?

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