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Sakusa's pov

'Ugh my head.' I opened my eyes to the sunlight that shone through a nearby window. I turned the other way so I wouldn't be facing the window, stopping just as I noticed (y/n) also in bed. (y/n) was on her phone, scrolling through social media with her earphones in. 'What happened last night...'

"Good morning," (y/n) said, pulling out one earphone then looking over towards me. It seemed like she had already been up for a while with how awake she was. "You slept like a baby," She teased, pointing at the time on her phone, it read '9:45.' 

"Ahhh I should get going," I said, sitting up as a sharper pain hit my head. 'I drank way too much last night.'

(y/n), chuckled at me, grabbing a water bottle on the nightstand and opening it for me, "Here." I took the water from her and thanked her before drinking some water. "Someone's a lightweight."

"Maybe you just have a really good tolerance," I jokingly rolled my eyes at her.

(y/n)'s pov

"Nah you're just a lightweight," I teased, getting out of bed. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change quickly. After coming back out, I noticed Sakusa up by the door, he had just slammed it. "Geez did you see a ghost or something," I grabbed the door slightly opening it to see a curious Bokuto and Hinata, and Atsumu slumped on the couch. 

"Nee (y/n), are you up?" Atsumu had begun approaching the door. I looked over at Sakusa and back through the crack in the door before shutting it again.

"Yeah!! I'm changing right now," I yelled from my room. 

I could hear Atsumu stop and head back to the couch, "Oh my bad. I almost came in."

"You wanna just chill in here for now?" 

Sakusa rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, "I guess so."

I opened the door and slipped out, "What are you freeloaders doing here," I joked at Atsumu, Bokuto, and Hinata. 

"TSUM-TSUM WAS WONDERING IF-" Bokuto yelled, just before Atsumu interupted. 

"Did you see Omi-kun leave? I dropped by his place this morning and he wasn't home." 

"I left with him," I told Atsumu, who started making a kissy face at me, and so I swatted my hand at him. 

"Oi the crowd won't like it if you mess up my face," Atsumu stuck out his tongue at me. I smirked and jabbed his side. "So where did you take him?" 

I looked over to my bedroom door and then back at Atsumu, "I think I took him home, it was a long night... I can't seem to remember a thing." 

"(f/nnnn) is he in your house," The blonde haired male asked me, Bokuto and my cousin perking up at the question. 

"Yes. No. I don't know," I began to walk back towards my door to lock it. 

I stopped dead in my tracks when Bokuto mentioned, "Those were the shoes that he wore last night," pointing over by the shoes near the door. 

"Really? I thought those were one of Shouyou's," I suggested.

"But I don't keep my shoes here," My cousin replied. 

I made eye contact with Atsumu, and then we both darted for the door which I got to first, blocking it. "PERV," I yelled at him, "Trying get into a woman's room??? HMMM??"

I held the door frame, blocking the door knob, "What do you have to hide in there?"

"Soon your body will be hidden in there," I held him back from the door. "SHOUYOU HINATA IF YOU DON'T HELP OUT YOUR DEAR COUSIN NO MORE COMING OVER," I threatened him.

"Can't you enter through the hall over there," he asked. Atsumu darted around to the hallway, while I quickly entered the bedroom and locked both doors. 

I hissed in pain looking down at a couple of my fingers that I had slammed in the door briefly by accident. "What's going on out there," Sakusa groaned from the bed. 

"Oh Sakusa, sorry did I wake you," the curly haired male shook his head no. 

"You can just call me Kiyoomi," the male said looking over at me. 

"(Y/N) OPEN UP," Atsumu called, banging on the door. I let out a sigh as I flopped onto the bed, Kiyoomi getting up and going to the door Atsumu was banging on. 

"Wait Kiyoomi-"

"What," Sakusa asked Atsumu, who looked past him and at me, "I'm trying to nap." Sakusa walked past Atsumu and down the hallway. 

"(F/N) WHAT DID YOU DO," Atsumu whisper yelled to me.

"NOTHING," I replied back as I went to unlock the other door and go back to the living room. Sakusa had inspected the food inside of my fridge before settling on an apple, which he was thoroughly washing. Hinata and Bokuto were bombarding him with questions which he seemed to be ignoring. 

Atsumu looked between me and Kiyoomi, and then over at Bokuto and Hinata before saying "Let's head off. I'll practice with the two of you." 

I let out a sigh of relief, which was interrupted by Atsumu who elbowed me in the side, "WHAT," I whispered. He nodded towards the door, Kiyoomi still focused on his apple. "Hey, I'm gonna go see them off real quick," I said aloud as I followed Atsumu out. 


Atsumu unlocked his car so that Bokuto and Hinata could both get in. "You two are obviously interested in each other, so please do something about it." The blonde then turned and started to walk off. 

"Couldn't you have just texted me that," I groaned. 

"It was easier to talk since you were here," He replied, opening his car door.

"You mean you guys invited yourselves over." Atsumu grinned in response and waved bye before shutting his car door. 

I went back inside of the house, "I hope Atsumu didn't give you any trouble," Sakusa said, he wrapped the small apple he ate in a paper towel.

"Oh no he didn't," I replied, "I totally forgot Hinata can let himself in." I took a seat next to the male on the couch. "Anyways, are you feeling better than earlier?"

Sakusa's pov


"I just have a headache, but I can just take something for it when I get home," I replied to (y/n), "I should probably get going soon anyways." 

"Can I see your hand," (y/n) said sitting next to me. 'I guess if it's her I don't mind.'

"Sure," I put my hand out for her, which she took gently. She started to massage the area by my thumb. After a little while I could feel the headache begin to subside, and my eyes began to feel heavy again. I then drifted off to sleep. 

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