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Sakusa's pov

Eventually, the weekend came around and we finished our practice for the day. Bokuto, Hinata, and I got into Atsumu's car. We dropped off Bokuto and Hinata first, then Atsumu asked, "Omi-kun. Can I just hang around at your place until we have to leave to go to the festival?" 

"Sure," I replied, staring out the window from the passenger seat. On the way back to my place, we passed by the restaurant that (y/n) works at. "It's only been a few days but it feels like I haven't seen her in forever." 

That's what I was thinking, but it must've slipped out since Atsumu took the opportunity to poke at me, "You are head over heels for her aren't you?" I shot him a glare before returning my gaze to the streets. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?"

"What if she doesn't feel the same way?" 

Atsumu let out a sigh of frustration, "Well you won't know unless you try... isn't it better just to get it over with than live thinking about the what-if?" 

'I guess that he does have a fair point. Honestly, I'd never find someone like her in the future.' 

Hinata's pov

"(F/n)!" I decided to walk over to her family's restaurant, after hearing me call her name she came to the front to meet me. 

"What can I do for you cuz?" 

"You're coming tonight right?" I actually hadn't decided to walk over here on my own volition. (BIG WORDS FOR HINATA) Atsumu had messaged me a little while earlier and asked if I could doublecheck that (y/n) was going to meet up with us tonight and that he could pick me up from the restaurant. 

Just then (y/n)'s mom walked over, "Shouyou-chan how are you?" 

"I'm doing good. How are you guys?" 

"We're doing well. Anyways, what is going on tonight," she asked the two of us.

(Y/n) responded, "Once I'm done with my shift I'm going to be going to a festival with some friends and Shouyou."

Her mother looked towards the back and gestured something to (y/n)'s father. After their silent exchange she turned towards the two of us, "(F/n) can leave now actually. The evening has been a bit slower so the two of us can manage."

"Are you really sure," (y/n) asked her mom. 

While the two of them talked I messaged Atsumu to let him know that (Y/n) would be able to join us sooner, and if he had room to give her a ride as well. Although he didn't respond to me I could see that he had read my message. A little while later Atsumu pulled up outside, "Alright you two in the back. (Y/n) could you sit in the middle so that way Hinata isn't trying to squeeze in?" 

(y/n)'s pov

The two of us walked over to his car, Bokuto was sitting shotgun where Sakusa would normally sit, which meant... "Hi (F/n)," Sakusa greeted me as Hinata opened the door for the two of us. 

"Hey Kiyoomi," I hopped in the car and took a seat next to Sakusa with Hinata sitting on the other side of me. Surprisingly Kiyoomi didn't have his mask over his face for the time being, which I noticed he'd usually be wearing even with his teammates. 

Eventually after a bit of questionable driving from Atsumu we got to the festival in one piece. Once we got into the crowd, Kiyoomi decided to raise his mask over his face. Every now and then people would stop some of them asking for a photo or autograph. Kiyoomi kept close to me as we navigated through the crowd, occasionally brushing up against me if it meant avoiding doing the same to a stranger in the crowd. "Let's go get some food and then meet up to watch some of the performances," Atsumu slightly shouted so that we'd hear him. 

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