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Author's Note

Sorry gang for the shorter chapter. I went back to a previous chapter where I had opened things up for your guys' ideas. I've already implemented a couple into the story and I really appreciate any feedback that you guys have for me. As I continue to update this story (It will be ongoing until I'm like yeah it's done-done frl) I'll occasionally check that chapter for new ideas and do my best to work them into the storyline. 

Thank you guys for all your support and I hope you're enjoying the story!

Love you guys, mean it <3,

(y/n)'s pov

For the next week, Hinata and his teammates were pretty busy, so I didn't have a chance to see any of them. I started to wipe the counter area down, as a customer came in, "Hi welcome in!" My mom quickly went over to seat the customer before coming back to where I stood, gazing over at me expectantly. "Yes..?"

She simply smiled in a similar smug manner to a certain professional setter. "I'm surprised you haven't gone to hang out with any of your friends this week."

"Ahh they're busy for an important game this weekend," I said, my thoughts drifting off towards a certain outside hitter with curly hair and a dislike for germs. I placed my hand on the necklace that Sakusa had bought for me. "I'll see them when I go watch." 

"I'm sure you're looking forward to seeing that man with the moles," my mom said.

Without even thinking I responded to her, "Yeah..." She chuckled as I then realized what she had said, "Wait what-?"

"You know it's true." 

Before I could question her further someone else came in, "Welcome in!" I cast a glance over towards the door, noticing a familiar raven-haired male. "Ahh Kageyama how are you?" 

"Good," he simply replied. I was more excited than usual since I spent my entire week slaving away since Hinata, Atsumu, Bokuto, and Sakusa were all busy. "How are you?"

"Mehhh." Kageyama walked over and took a seat at the counter across from me. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'll take a water." Quickly I turned around to grab a cup, scooping some ice into it and filled it up. As he took a sip of his water he pointed towards me, specifically the necklace I was wearing. "That's a nice necklace. When did you get that?"

I leaned over the counter and held it out for Kageyama to get a closer look at, "Kiyoomi got it for me at the festival over this past weekend." I smiled down at the metal pendant on the thin chain. 

"I see." Kageyama fell quiet for the rest of the time he was there, it felt like I was talking to a wall or myself.  "I'll see you later, (l/n)." He quickly gathered his things and left, but I followed him out. 

"Hey what's up with you?" Kageyama turned around as I placed my hand on his shoulder. 

"(Y/n) I've liked you for the longest time, but you've only seemed to ever see me as a sibling," he laid it out plainly. It was mostly true. "And now that Sakusa has come into the picture then you're set on him, right?" 

"I'm sorry," I took my hand off his shoulder and he turned his back to me, "I really appreciate your feelings for me but I don't reciprocate them for you. I hope we can still be friends though." 

Kageyama turned around to face me, "Yeah. I figured you'd say that..." Of course he wasn't that great at communicating, but seeing him scowl as he said, "I hope everything goes well with Sakusa," was both entertaining and scary. 

"I'll see you tomorrow. Good luck." Kageyama waved good-bye and I waved back to him as he left. 

I had liked Kageyama in a romantic way in the past, but things just never felt 100% right. I found his personality to be rather cute and he definitely has good looks. Still I didn't think that he was the right person. 

But with Kiyoomi everything has just felt right. With him it doesn't feel like butterflies in my stomach. I just feel warm and completely comfortable with him. 

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