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Third person pov    

"Hello how may I-Oh hey what's up you guys?" (y/n) said.

"We just had a game today," Hinata replied to his cousin. 

"How'd you guys do?" She asked while wiping the menus she had just brought back with her. 

"We won!" Bokuto exclaimed. 

"Nice," she said, "So are you guys dining in or here for takeout?" 

"Dining in," Bokuto and Hinata said in unison. She grabbed them the 4 menus that she had just cleaned and took them to one of the tables that was in a more secluded area of the restaurant. 

"I'll get you guys started on some water but do you want anything else to drink," She asked. The boys shook their heads other than Sakusa who was semi-distracted by how nice her hair looked up. "Well I'll be right back with those waters," (Y/n) said as she left. 

Sakusa's pov

I had my arms crossed originally instead of resting them on the table but I noticed that it looked like no one had sat here. It was as if (y/n) was expecting us to come or waiting for us to come or something. 

"Isn't that nice of (y/n) to get a table that isn't in the crowded area," Atsumu said. He was staring down at his menu but I knew very well that his comment was directed at me. When I didn't reply at first Atsumu looked up at me and said, "Isn't it?" I just nodded and continued skimming through the items on the menu. (y/n) came back with our waters and took our orders then when Bokuto and Hinata were distracted with something Atsumu spoke, "You're either really obvious about what you dislike or (y/n) can read you like a book."

"She's probably just more intuitive than some people," I said picking up my water and taking a sip. 

"Or maybe she does it because she cares about you," Atsumu said watching my every move. 

I put down my cup, "How could she care about someone she just met who is basically a stranger to her?" 

"Isn't it kind of hypocritical of you to say that," Atsumu started, "I mean you like (y/n) and you just met her. That's basically the same thing." 

"Wait Sakusa likes someone?" Bokuto beamed with excitement and curiosity since it was so unlike Sakusa. 

Sakusa just glared coldly at Bokuto and nearly choked when Atsumu said, "That's right Bokkun but its a secret."

"I'm good with secrets," Hinata said like a child who was trying to beg their friend to tell them something. We sat in silence for a few moments before (y/n) showed up.

"Here's your orders," She said as she put down the plates, "Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you guys!" The two of us made eye contact, my eyes almost getting trapped by her (e/c) eyes. We ate our food, just talking about the game today. After we were done (y/n) didn't come to give us the check, instead her mother did. 

"Hey what happened to (f/n)?" I asked maybe out of curiosity but maybe for another reason.

The older lady looked at me, "She had to do something so she left early." After she took the check and left I sighed with a bit of disappointment. 

Atsumu's pov

'Although he may not admit it to himself he really does like (y/n). He's probably just worried that she doesn't like him back or something. For someone who is so cold and quiet it's weird to see him this way... I hope it doesn't affect his playing though because if it does I don't plan on sending many sets in his direction,' I thought after watching him during the meal. 

(y/n)'s pov

I walked outside through a back door and got into my car and drove myself to a cafe that was nearby. I opened the door and went inside the starbucks to see a familiar face who I called on short notice. "It's been a while (y/n)."

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