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Sakusa's pov

I checked my phone to see if I had anything planned today but for once I didn't have practice or any games... However I had received a message from an number I didn't recognize.

Hey Sakusa! It's Hinata's cousin, (y/n). 

How'd you get my number?

Atsumu gave it to me.

' why'd he give her my number,' I thought to myself. 

Why does (y/n) have my number?

Atsumu Miya
Idk maybe Hinata gave it?


I know it was you. Why'd you give it to her?

Atsumu MiyaCause I know you'd never ask her for it.\_(ツ)_/ 


He's either helping me or trying to be a thorn in my side. 

Whatcha up to?

Nothing much. Don't you have work?

Not today. My parents hired a couple people so I
didn't have to come in today :D

Since I'm off do you want to go do something?

Since I have nothing better to do sure.

Maybe we could go running for a little
then get something to eat?



I'll meet you at the park in 20 minutes?

Okay. See you then.

See ya


I made my way to the park and spotted (y/n) waiting. It was a fairly quiet place and no one was there usually. "I hope you weren't waiting too long (y/n)," I said as I approached the (h/c) haired girl. 

"You didn't," she said getting up from the bench she was sitting on. "Are you ready?" I nodded and we began to run down the path at a pace that wasn't too fast or slow. "So how's you day been so far," she asked as we ran.

"Okay," I replied then asking, "How's yours?"

"Good," she replied. We continued down the path but the observant (y/n) had noticed, "is something on your mind," (y/n) asked.

"On my way home yesterday I happened to notice you hanging out with Kageyama," I said.

"Jealous," she teased, luckily the blush that had appeared was hidden under my mask. I rolled my eyes then she said, "Him and I were just catching up. We're friends." Her final sentence had made me feel happier or relieved. We continued talking about various subjects until we ended up back where we started. "So where do you want to grab a bite," she asked. 

I shrugged and replied with, "It doesn't matter."

"Well in that case..."She grabbed my wrist covered by my sleeve and we began walking. 

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