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(y/n)'s pov

"What is it," I asked him smiling, the words seemed to get caught in his throat, as he stood there with his mouth slightly agape. I then went to reassure him, "Come on, you can tell me anything."

"Actually... it can wait till another time," Kiyoomi said. 

"Hey, you can't just say you have something important to tell me, only to say it can wait," I teased, jokingly. 

He seemed to pause for a few moments, and then told me, "We're going to be playing Schweiden Adlers next weekend... Will you be going to watch?"

Something in me seemed to sink, I was hoping that maybe he had something different that was important to tell me. I paused for a moment before telling him, "Oh... Yeah, yeah of course." 

I shot him a weak smile just as he said, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah see you." 

~Time skip~

"Hey, sorry. I hope I didn't keep you waiting Kageyama," I said as I walked over to where he was sitting. 

"It's fine," Kageyama replied, "Anyways what were you doing with Sakusa?"

"Oh he was just hungover from last night so he stayed over," I said, glancing over the menu of the ramen shop. We talked for a while, I ordered a (food item of choice) while Kageyama ended up getting one of the curry items on the menu. Both of us enjoyed our meals and eventually it was about time for the two of us to head off. "That was really nice, maybe we can do this again another time?" 

"Yeah, sure," Kageyama said, it looked like he was going to say something else but he didn't. 

"I'll see you later," I told him. 

"See you," the dark-haired male replied. 

Shortly after parting ways with Kageyama I got a call from Atsumu. "Hello," I said as I answered the phone. 

"If you drag things out any longer I'm going to grow white hairs," Atsumu said immediately. 

I laughed at the thought of Atsumu's hair turning white and getting major wrinkle lines on his face. "Well I don't know if he really likes me or not..." Knowing that the response I gave wouldn't satisfy him I then added, "But I'll do something soon." 

"I don't know what to do to help you guys." 


"Nah don't respond to that you don't know what you're doing," Atsumu said, probably face palming at the fact I had a response lined up for his statement. "Anyways there's a festival coming up this weekend. It'll be Hinata, Bokuto, Sakusa, and I. You should come too."

"I'll probably have to meet you guys there... I'm supposed to work till late in the afternoon this weekend."

"Ahhhh alright well I'll text you the details later... or something." I could hear Bokuto in the background talking with Hinata. 

"That sounds good. I'll talk to you later then," After Atsumu said bye I hung up the phone, letting out a sigh. 

'He's right. I'm probably dragging things out, but I don't know how I'd tell him how I feel.' Just after that I got a text from my parents wondering if I could cover a shift since someone called out sick.  "Sure." I replied. 'Maybe if I drown myself with work I won't think so much about any of this and the situation will work itself out.' Of course that's just wishful thinking, one of us is going to have to make a move and the way Atsumu has made it seem... that's going to be me. 

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