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(y/n)'s pov

I started to massage Sakusa's hand, making circles on either side of his thumb with one hand and bracing his hand with my other. Not long after I started, Sakusa slumped over, his head resting on my shoulder. I briefly hesitated for a moment in the circular motion I was making as I felt my face heat up. 

'I wish this moment could last forever.'

I smiled down at his hand fondly, for a volleyball player his hands were surprisingly smooth and soft. Just then my phone started ringing, I continued to massage Sakusa's hand with just one of my hands as I grabbed my phone out with the other. Kageyama was calling me, I answered the call and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey what's up?"

"Not much. I was wondering if you were free to hangout today?... I didn't have a chance to catch you last night." 

"Oh you were there last night," I shifted around, trying not to wake up Sakusa in the process. "Anyways I don't think I'm doing anything today. Did you have something in mind?"

"Want to get some lunch in a little while?"

"Yeah that works," I replied. "Just text me the details."

"Alright. I'll see you in a little while."

"Yep. See you." I put my phone back down, and had stopped massaging his pressure point. 

Sakusa lifted his head up from my shoulder, "Who was that?"

"Kageyama," I responded. "Did you have a nice little nap." Sakusa nodded and stretched out a little bit. "I'm going to grab lunch with him later today. Did you want to join? I can ask him if that's okay," I ran my finger over the camera of my phone. 

He once again rested his head on my shoulder, "That's okay..."  He started to make small circles on my palm with the tip of his index finger, as we sat in a comfortable silence. "Hey...do you..." Kiyoomi's voice trailed off, he stopped making circles on my palm, instead putting his fingers between mine and squeezing lightly.

I looked down at my hand, now in his, "Do I...what?" I nervously fiddled with my phone in my lap, waiting for him to respond. Kiyoomi mumbled something again and I couldn't make out the words. 

I turned to look over at him, just as he tilted his head, his dark eyes gazing into my (e/c) eyes. "Nothing." He ran his thumb over the palm of my hand. 

After a few moments, I picked up my phone to text Kageyama. I could feel Sakusa watching as I opened up my phone and then the messages app, he briefly stopped moving his thumb as I opened Kageyama and I's conversation. On my phone I typed and sent, "Lunch in an hour?"

Sakusa's pov

I pulled out my phone with my other hand behind (y/n).

Atsumu I think she likes Kageyama.

Atsumu Miya
God you're an idiot. 
What makes you think that?

She's going to go get lunch with him.

Atsumu Miya

Atsumu Miya has gone Offline.

I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket, throwing my head back over the cushions on the couch. 'They've known each other longer so it would make sense that she probably is into him.'  

"Does your head still hurt?" (y/n) looked over towards me. 

"No it doesn't... Thank you."

She got up from the couch and typed something on her phone, "I'm going to get ready and then I can drop you off before I meet up with Tobio." 

"Okay," I sat on the couch quietly, pulling my phone back out of my pocket to see if Atsumu had responded, which he hadn't. 

A short while later (y/n) came back out, "Alright let's go," she said as I followed her out to the door. 

Kageyama's pov

Sorry I might be just a little late.
I'm dropping Kiyoomi off at his 

Oh okay. Take your time.

Thanks! I'll see you in a bit.

(y/n) is now Offline.

'How come she's dropping him off..?'  After grabbing my belongings from my locker, I started to make my way towards the exit just as a few familiar faces entered. 

"Kageyama!" Hinata excitedly called as Bokuto waved, Atsumu was behind them on his phone, briefly looking up at me. "Did you just finish practicing?"

"Yeah. Hoshiumi and Ushijima are still in there though, but they should be finishing up soon." I looked down at my phone anxiously checking the time.

"Oh really?? Well I'll catch you later Kageyama," Hinata and Bokuto made a bee line towards the volleyball courts. 

"Going on a date," Atsumu asked. 

"No," unconsciously I checked the time on my phone again. 

"Well you look like you should get going," the blonde started to head further in.

I stood in place for a moment before turning, "Wait, you know (y/n)... Is she in something with Sakusa?" Atsumu stopped and looked back at me. 

"If you're curious can't you just ask her yourself when you see her?"

I sighed at his answer and left.

(y/n)'s pov

"It's the house right there," Sakusa pointed towards one of the structures on the right and I pulled to the side once we were in front of it. 

The two of us sat in the car for a moment, "Alright make sure you drink water and get some rest." He sarcastically rolled his eyes and nodded, I chuckled at his reaction. 

"Thank you for the ride (y/n)," Kiyoomi said as he exited the vehicle, "I'll see you later." The man slightly bowed before turning to head towards the door. 

I looked down at my phone and opened up my conversation with Kageyama to get the address for the place we were going to meet up at. Just before I pulled back onto the road, Kiyoomi knocked on the window, "Wait I have something important to tell you."

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