Chapter 27

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I smile when Minho closes the door behind us. "Thank you for taking me there Hyung." He chuckles, ruffling my hair playfully. "Everything for my little squirrel boy."

"Eww, please don't ever say that again." I cringe, scrunching up my nose.

He giggles, making his way to my bedroom and letting himself fall down on the bed. I follow behind him, standing still at the doorway. "Rude of you to assume you can just barge into my room like that." I remark.

He opens his eyes, blinking rapidly at me. Trying to figure out if i'm serious. When I give him a serious look he gets up quickly, stuttering.

"oh.. sorry I thought-"

I giggle letting my self plop down next to him, closing my eyes. "I'm just jokiingg, of course you can come into my room."

I groan, remembering I should be studying by now. "Aish, I don't wanna studyyy."

"Then don't" He simply shrugs, making me prop up on my elbows to look at him in disbelief.

"But... I have to-"

"Why?" He sits up, grabbing the pillows and blankets scattered upon my bed to make himself more comfortable. Sitting with his legs crossed hugging a pillow.

I frown, "Because... uhh.. otherwise I won't get good grades?" I scrunch my eyebrows together, wondering why I actually have to study. I mean, my grades are good enough, it wouldn't be that bad if I get a B or C once.

He chuckles, noticing my hesitation.

"You know what? You're right. You wanna stay over and watch movies?"

He nods excitedly, grabbing the laptop form my nightstand and searching for a good movie. "What do you want to watch?"

I go to sit beside him, resting my chin on his shoulder to watch the screen more properly. "Mmh, I heard 'to my star' is good?"

He nods, putting it on. "Sure."

I get up, "Wait don't press play yet, I wanna get snacks first."

I walk to the kitchen, Minho following me closely. As i'm getting the drinks I frown at how silent it is in the apartment, normally you would hear screams or laughter coming from Felix's room. Either from Felix annoying Jeongin or one of them doing something clumsy. But there's nothing.

I check my phone to see if one of them contacted me to let me know where they are, and sure enough I got a text from Felix.

- Innie, Jinnie and I are over at Seungmin's, we'll probs sleep here too, Sobby you have to eat alone :(

I quickly type a reply.

Ahh that's fine, Minho is here anyways -

- oeehhh 😏 🍆💦

I chuckle at his reply, that boy's mind honestly has no limits. I put my phone back in my pocket, ignoring his text.

"Felix and Jeongin are at Seungmin's, so we have the apartment for ourselves." I inform Minho, who smiles, taking the drinks out of my hand to take it to the bedroom.

"Cool, we can be as loud as we want."

I choke, coughing violently. "s-sorry what?!" He chuckles, winking at me. "mmh, nothing."

I ignore my burning cheeks, awkwardly following him to my room and putting the snacks down. I sit down on the bed, making sure to keep a safe distance in between our bodies. tensing when he pulls me closer, resting his hand on my thigh. "w-what are you doing?"

The boy underneath the stars // H.J + L.MWhere stories live. Discover now