Chapter 92

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"Leave me alone," jisung mutters, hugging his arms around his knees. Even that small action takes quite a bit of effort on his part. "Please let me be..."

That thing watching him doesn't listen though, and he's becoming agitated. He grits his teeth, fisting his hands in his hair.

"Go away!" He exclaims, silence is the only response he's being given, and he feels livid with anger. Why can't he just be left alone? Why is all this happening to him?

"I said go away!"

A shadow appears in the corner of the bathroom, slow and patient, and Jisung's blood runs cold. Panic flowing through his veins, but his terror keeps him in one place. He can't move.

The shadow keeps growing bigger and bigger, keeps being more and more visible to Jisung, and he feels more frightened than he ever has in his entire life.

A face painstakingly forms on the shadow's head, pale and ghostly. It draws closer and closer to where Jisung is. The boy starts inching away, but his back collides with the wall, and he can't do anything else.

The face stares down at him, it's dark hair revealing equally as dark eyes, and their recognisability makes Jisung all the more petrified.

"W-wooyoung?" He stammers.

The male moves closer, his pale face expressionless. He looks exactly like in his memory, and his presence ignites nothing but horror within Jisung. The bright and white bathroom light is shining down on his face, forming dark shadows under his eyes.

Jisung feels like Wooyoung is going to harm him.

"Go away! Please, leave me alone! I-I'm sorry it's all my fault. P-please don't hurt me!" Jisung begs, trying to crawl away. His body feels heavy, like some heavy gravitational pull is keeping him stuck to the freezing floor. "please..."

The male moves quicker, preventing Jisung from escaping by caging him in. He holds out a hand, one that's thin and pale - just like the rest of him - and places something inside of Jisung's shaking palm.

The danger, anger and pain Wooyoung exudes is just too much for Jisung, and tears instantly spring in his eyes, threatening to spill over when he catches sight of what's in his hand.

A gun.

Jisung starts shaking his head furiously. His hand starts to shake, and the gun almost falls out of his hand.

"W-what do you want from me?" Jisung brings out.

He turns the gun around in his hand, trembling.

"What am I supposed to.. I don't understand.." he whispers.

But when he looks up Wooyoung is gone.

And so is the gun.

Jisung looks around the bathroom, searching anxiously for the presence that was there only a few seconds ago.

Nothing is there

He pulls his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs as he leans back against the cold wall.

He's still trembling, rocking back and forth, and his ears focused on every little sound.

It feels like he's not alone.


A sudden hand on his shoulder.

Jisung's head shoots up as his breath hitches loudly.

He's met by two deep and caring brown eyes.

"Felix.." he breathes out, feeling himself being pulled closer by the boy.

The boy underneath the stars // H.J + L.MWhere stories live. Discover now