Chapter Forty-Two

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A/n Hey everyone!!  I know I haven't posted in a long time and I'm sorry about that.  I've been working on this chapter the past few weeks (months) and I wasn't able to write it the way I wanted until now.  I hope you enjoy it.

Betty POV

After I had finished my mental breakdown I took my phone out. As I entered my contacts all I could do is scroll up and down through the meaningless names that were in there. When it came down to it, there were only three numbers that mattered. Archie, Veronica, and Jughead.

I obviously couldn't dial Jughead so he was out of the running, I wasn't in the mood for a lecture from Veronica, so once again it had come down to Archie. I felt terrible to drag him away from his life again but I didn't know who else to call.

As I opened up his contact I debated dialing him. I let my finger levitate over the 10 numbers that would define how the rest of my day went down.

I decided to let my finger drop and began to hear the ringing on my line. I felt as though it lasted forever until it ended with the dreaded "Leave a message at the tone". Shit.

Without Archie I was on to the next number, Veronica.

As I was dialing her number I couldn't help but pray she would answer. If she didn't answer I would be left with the man who caused me to drive myself out here in the first place.

"Come on Veronica, come on." I said while I tapped my foot on the dirt.

No amount of pleading could have prevented what happened next

"Hello, this is Veronica Lodge. Please leave a message after the beep."

I'm stuck in aw shucks right now. It's like I haven't been able to break free from Veronica and Archie these past few days and now I've been cut off entirely. Normally I wouldn't give much thought to a missed calls such as these, but I needed help and the only options I had left were to swallow the remainder of respect and pride I had for myself and call Jughead or try to find a gas station and get lost and or murdered in the process. A near dead phone and a useless car were all I had keeping me company and it was time to make a decision.

"Now or never." I spoke aloud while clicking on his putrid contact.

I slid my finger that felt as though it had gained weight these past few calls onto his phone number.

Maybe it's fucked up but part of me hoped he wouldn't pick up. That I'd be stuck out here until someone noticed I was missing instead of me having to go through my contacts beaconing for help. Tragic Betty.

I was so zoned out from my thought that it took me a moment to register the voice on the other line.

"Betty? Can you hear me Betty? Are you ok?"

I know it had been my idea to call him in the first place but I wanted to do nothing more than hang up the phone.

"Hi." I said with blatant irritation in my voice.

"What's wrong?" he said in a manic tone that had matched the first questions he had asked me.

"My car ran out of gas, my phone battery is almost gone, and I'm stranded on the side of the road." I said, filled with a mixture of guilt and embarrassment.

"I'll come and get you." he answered frantically.

"That's very nice of you Jughead but all I need is gas and I was wondering if you would bring me some."

"I'll bring you whatever you need. Just send me your location and I'll be there."

My final response was a faint, "Thanks."

This was followed by his saying, "I love you." and me hanging up.

I texted him my location then set my phone on the passenger seat. All I could do at that point was wait.

I leaned my chair back and was met with Jughead's jean jacket that he had insisted on keeping since high school.

"Ughhhh" I mumbled while rubbing my hands over my face. It was like everywhere I turned all I could do was run into Jughead in some way, shape, or form. I mean hell, I'm even carrying his child.

I wasn't going to lie to myself, it was a bit frosty and there have been more days and nights then I could recount where that jacket had kept me warm.

"It's just a jacket...", I said to myself before reaching behind me to grab it off the back seat.

As I slid it around me I felt an instant sense of relief and warmth. I was kicking myself for this, but at this point who gives a shit anymore.

I leaned back into the driver's seat, wrapped in his scent, and began to drift off.

A/n Hope everyone liked it.  I'm working on the next chapter so I expect that to be done soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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