Chapter Eight

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A/n I KNOW I SAID I'D GET A CHAPTER OUT ON SUNDAY AND IT'S MONDAY BUT I'VE HAD REALLY BAD WRITERS BLOCK.  I'm really sorry about this chapter. I know it's all over the place but I wanted to get something out and was itching for some Veronica POV.  Also its 2:43am and I am still awake writing this. 

Veronica POV

I wondered how it was going with Betty. I knew it would be hard, probably impossible, for her to let him go. I just wanted her to be happy above all else.

I met Betty the night before the first day of sophomore year. I walked into pops alone, not expecting to meet the two most important people in my life. Not only did I find the best friend a girl could ask for, but I also found my boyfriend, Archie, who I am with to this day. They had the kindest hearts of anyone I had ever met. I can't imagine my life without them. I felt as though I was just floating through the world alone until I had them to lean on. Of course, being with them also meant being with Jughead.

The three of them had been best friends, basically, since birth. If I was being honest I was jealous of Jughead. I was always worried that I would never be able to get to that level with them. He and Betty were, pretty much, attached at the hip. She was so in love with the idea of him, it got to the point where what she wanted to see became who he was. Sometimes love can make you do that. See so much good in a person that you can justify all of the bad.

I know it sounds like I am just bashing him because he was so close to B, but I was scared for her. I had a close friend like him before I moved to Riverdale and they ended up using my fears and secrets against me. It was like I was looking through a portal through time into my past mistakes. I didn't want her to have to go through the same thing I did. Sadly, all the efforts in the world couldn't keep her away, she loved him too much.

I looked down at Juliet and saw her playing with some toys she had left at my house. Although I wasn't the biggest fan of Jughead, he did play a role in bringing my beautiful niece into this world. Juliet was amazing in so many ways. She was basically a small version of Betty. She was someone who always wanted to see the best in people and had hope for the world. I was praying that my Betty would still see the world the same after this. He held her in the palm of his hand, she would do anything for him, and he took advantage of it.

Archie POV

I decided I was going to surprise Veronica by driving home early. I missed her too much to be apart from her any longer. I had never cared about anyone as much as I do Veronica. She makes my life better in ways no one else could. I hated being away from her so much but I have to save up money for a ring. I wanted to spend the rest of my days with her, but I wanted to be able to propose with a ring worthy of her beauty. I was so excited; the anticipation was eating me alive.

I watched as my headlights lit up the 'Welcome to Riverdale' sign. This was a sign I had seen many times throughout my life. When I saw this sign it gave me an immediate sense of home. It made sense due to the fact I had lived in Riverdale my whole life, but it wasn't just the town. It was the people in the town that made it feel like home.

Veronica, Jughead and Betty were the best family anyone could ask for. I was grateful for so many things in my life. I had the love of my life by my side, my best friends were in love and had given the world another beautiful soul, my niece Juliet, everything felt near perfect. At least that's what I wanted, happiness for the ones I loved and cared for the most.

A/n Hello. Me again.  I know this chapter is a tad choppy and I'm sorry about that.  I just really wanted to get some more characters involved and all of the sad Bughead was bringing me down.  I'm working on two separate chapters and was wondering if I should post an extension of this chapter first or go back to present time Bughead.  Tell me what ya'll think. Also it is now 3:08am now. Peace out.

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