Chapter Four

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A/n So this chapter is taking place in the past when she first found the letters.

This font is the letter


Betty POV

I walked into the study to find that Jughead never cleaned up his mess of papers he had left lying around. I decided to straighten them out for him since I didn't have work and he has been really busy lately. While picking up one of the piles of papers that were likely going to be part of his next book an envelope fell onto the ground.

I put the papers down and picked it up. The envelope had the name 'Antoinette Topaz' written on the front.

I knew I shouldn't read it but my curiosity got the better of me, as usual. When I opened the letter it read:

To Juggie,

I had a great time hanging out last weekend in New York.

I stopped reading and remembered how Jug had canceled our date last weekend because he "had business in New York." I went back to the letter.

I hope we can do it again soon <3 I wish you would finally divorce that mess of a wife you always talk about so we would be able to spend all of our time together and wouldn't have to keep our love a secret.

Tears began to fill my eyes. Was I really this much of a mess that he had to find another woman to confide in about it. A woman who had said 'I love you', multiple times. He didn't love me anymore... he had her now.

I hope to see you soon my love.

Love, Toni

I couldn't hold them back anymore I started bawling. Part of me had to know more. How long had this been going on?

I stood up and walked over to his desk I started going through all of his drawers and found a stack of letters tied together by string. I sat back in his office chair and began to read one, then another, then another. I was lost in the rabbit hole that was my husband's second life with this other woman whom he loved more than me...

I looked back down at the pile and noticed that there was a letter that he hadn't sent yet. I made the foolish decision of reading it.

To My Lovely Toni,

I remember when I was his lovely Betts...

I also had an amazing time seeing you last weekend and will probably be heading back up there soon to see you. I too want to be able to not keep ourselves a secret from the world. I just need time figure things out with Betty, but, believe when I say I love you with my whole heart.

Love, Jughead

I can't believe my eyes. Does he really not love me anymore? Am I really that worthless to him? Does he really sum up my life as being a 'mess'? It feels as if my heart has broken into a million pieces that will never be able to fit together the same again.

A/n sorry.

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