Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21

A/n I was listening TOP during the writing of this entire chapter.  I'm trying to write more but my writers block is being a bitch.  I really hope this chapter doesn't suck but it most likely will.  Sorry...

Jughead POV

"Fuck you Veronica." I said right before ending the call.

"THAT FUCKING BITCH." I chucked my phone to the other side of the room.

It's none of her fucking business what happens between me and MY family. She can't just bust her way into every household problem we have. I don't care how she tries to justify it she isn't part of our family and she never will be. She wasn't even part of our friend group until sophomore year.

I'd known Betty longer which means I know her better. I know what's better for Betty. Veronica thinks she knows everything but it's all bullshit.

The world would be better if Veronica Lodge never existed.

I would still have my wife, daughter and best friend if it weren't for her meddling ass.

I should just go Betty and try to explain myself again. She has probably cooled down by now.

Sadly I can't because she has decided to move into the wretch's house. She's probably built a fucking wall around her house by now just so I couldn't get in.

I guess I just have to wait until Betty leaves so I can talk to her in person.

Veronica can't hide her forever. Betty loves me and I love her. A jealous hag isn't going to stop me from getting my family back.

Betty POV

I woke up around 3:00am. Shit I can't believe I slept that long.

I looked over and saw Juliet sound asleep next to me. I decided I was going into the living room as not wake her.

Once I was seated on the couch everything began to flood back into my brain.

I was pregnant.

I knew, as much as Jughead hurt me, I couldn't get rid of it. It was my baby too and this was bigger than him, bigger than us.

Where would I live? I couldn't stay with Veronica and Archie forever.

I don't have the money for all of the doctor visits this baby was going to require while having to pay for my own place at the same time. Last time I was pregnant I had Jughead to help with these things. Now I am alone.

How the hell am I supposed to run The Register all alone while taking care of two children? I was in a hell of a predicament.

The word 'how' continued to run through head until I was interrupted by a voice.

"Betty? It's 5:00am, what are you doing up?"

I turned around to face a concerned Archie.

"Hey Arch. Couldn't sleep I guess."

"Do you want some company" he asked walking towards me.

"Why the hell not."

We both gave a small laugh as he sat down next to me.

I sighed and asked, "Archie, what am I doing?"

"What do you mean Betty?"

"I mean am I blowing this out of proportion? Should I forgive him?"

He looked around like the answer would appear in front of him.

"It's really not my place to say..." He paused. "What he did was horrible, and I would never have thought it was possible if he didn't sit me down and tell me himself. Betty, he is not the same person he was when we were kids, he is not the same person you fell in love with. As much as I hate to say it... I think being away from him is what's best for all of us."

I nodded my head. What he said made sense, it was just hard to take in from someone who had been with Jughead and me through everything.  It made it too real. 

I took a deep breath and looked down at my palms.

"Archie, you've been with me through nearly every event that has taken place in my life. I trust you more than anyone on this planet... I have to tell you something."

Tears began to form in my eyes.

"I- I am"

He cut me off by saying the eight-letter word I had been dreading.


I couldn't hold them back any longer. I started crying. I felt so vulnerable around him. Perhaps it was because he was the closest person to me that had the capability of understanding what I was going through. We had lost our longest friend.

He embraced me in hug. I leaned into it.

"I'm so sorry Archie."

Even though I couldn't see his face I knew his facial expression had changed.

"Betty." He said pulling away and looking me directly in the eye. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong; this is on him."

I wiped the remaining tears off with the back of my hand.

"Thank you Archie."

He looked a tad confused.

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Just for existing I guess." I laughed a little trying to cover up the excruciating pain I was feeling at the moment. He could see right through me though, like always. "I don't know what I would do without you."

A/n  Next chapter Archie POV

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