Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/n I'm very tired at the moment because it is very late where I am so this might not a make a lot of sense.  I will probably have to come back tomorrow to edit it but I wanted to post it.  This is starting from when Betty and Jughead are entering Pop's after their fight in the parking lot. 

Archies POV

I was building up every scenario of what could be occurring right now in my head. None of them were ending too pretty.

Veronica will definitely find out at some point which terrified me. She's very protective of Betty. She behaves like a hover parent towards her.

I heard the familiar bell on Pops door.

I was a little shocked by the sight, but they seemed ok. Not that they were happy in any way shape or form, but they weren't screaming at each other.

They look at each other before heading their separate ways. Jughead to his booth, and Betty the restroom.

I decided that I should probably let Betty be. She seemed to need a break from the events that had just transpired.

I looked to Jughead and saw him staring at his coffee. He seemed injured.

I was debating on going to talk to him. On one hand, he's been my best friend as long as I can remember, on the other hand so has Betty.

The back and forth hurt my brain until a soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Arch"

She said slowly sliding into her seat.

"Betty, are you ok?"

I saw tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Can we go Arch?" she said staring at her lap.

"Of course Betts..." I slide out of the booth, "Let me go pay the check and we'll head out."

Walking up to the register I saw a smiling Pop. I never understood how he did it. Ran a whole business, worked day and night and still sported a smile.

"Hey Pop."

"Hi Archie, what can I do for you?"

"Just needed to pay the check." I responded reaching for my wallet.

I handed him the money then walked back to Betty.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yes." She said with a fake smile.

I opened the door and she proceeded to pass me.

She headed towards the passenger side. I jogged some of the way so I could get the door for her.

I walked to driver seat and opened the door. I must have scared her because she grabbed the seatbelt and slammed it into the buckle like her life depended on it.

"You ok?"

She nodded while staring straight ahead.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"I don't know." She said flatly.

I stared at her while I tried to think of a place.

I know so can't go home right now and I assume she isn't in the mood to see Veronica right now either.

I started to car then took a right out of the parking lot.

The more I drove the closer I got to the only other place I could view as home.

I found myself turning onto our childhood street. It had been so long since I'd come here. I didn't know who was in my old home anymore. My mother and I hadn't talked in ages, so I just assumed she went back to Chicago.

I started slowing down the car as we pulled up to the sidewalk by our houses.

When I went to examine Betty's face, I felt like I might have made a mistake. She looked pissed.

Alice's car was still parked in the driveway.

"Why are we here?" she asked without showing emotion.

"It was the only place I could think of besides our current homes." I replied

Her eyes were attached the red door that hid pain and lies for so many years.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"No..." she responded quietly. "I want to stay here for a bit."

"Ok..." I replied.

I guess I hadn't considered the fight she had with her mother not too long ago. But Elm Street was all I could picture in that moment.

"I want to go in." she said suddenly.


"I want to go into that house."

"Did you and your mom make up recently or something?" I asked.

I couldn't imagine she had made up with her. It seemed like their last fight was an intense one. Plus, I would have heard either through: Jughead, Veronica or her directly.

"Nope, but I'm going in..." She opened the door then turned to face me, "Do you mind waiting."

"It's no problem" I smiled trying to lighten the tension.

I watched her wonder up the walkway until she finally faced the front door.

A/n I'm thinking the next chapter should be Betty and Alice.  That or Veronica and Archie.  idk.  Someone tell me what to do. 

I also wrote a Jughead chapter a while ago but I felt like I needed a couple fillers before posting it.  But it exists and will be publish here one day.

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