Chapter Sixteen

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A/n And I am back! Another day, another chapter.  Why?  Because I have a serious problem. 

This is basically what's going down the morning after Betty goes to Veronica's.

Betty POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon, which is extremely rare due to the fact my husband never cooks for me. I rolled over I realized I no longer had company.

I stood up, put some clothes on then brushed my teeth and hair.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Archie and Juliet making pancakes. I smiled at the sight; Juliet hardly ever gets that kind of interaction.

I sat down next to a tired Veronica who was, most likely, on her second cup of coffee.

"Good morning B" she said with a groggy tone.

"Good morning V. Thank you so much for letting us stay here."

"B..." she cuts me off, "I already told you that you are always welcome here."

I turned to take another glance at Juliet and Archie who had already caused a huge disaster in the kitchen.

"I'm really sorry about the mess. I hope she didn't wake you two."

She countered back with "Oh please... Archie's up at the crack of dawn and, believe me, I am no stranger to messes in the kitchen." We both giggled. "You want coffee B?" Thank God she finally asked.

"Yes V, More than anything." I laughed.

Once I had a large cup of coffee placed firmly in my hand, I was ready to talk.

"V?" I asked.


"I think I'm ready to talk."

She gave a small nod then motioned me towards her bedroom so we could have some privacy.

"So what do you want to talk about B?"

I truthfully had no idea where to start. I'd never been in a situation like this; I never thought I would be.

"You know what I want to talk about..."

"I do... I'll start if you want" I nodded my head yes. "B, what he did is terrible, and genuinely, unforgivable. He doesn't deserve you, or Jules." I knew she was right but it hurt to admit it. "I think you know this already but I've never liked him. He's not a good person and you deserve better."

I know what she's saying is true. I just don't want to believe that the person I fell in love with, so long ago, is really a bad person.

She continued, "Betty, he's a user and has taken you for granted since the day you two became friends." She paused for a second then said, "Archie told me that when he was driving home he called him..."

"What did he say?"

"I don't entirely know B. What he has told me is: he was talking about Toni, then about how you found the letters, etc. I was going to ask him more about it but I was so tired, I fell asleep. I was thinking we could all talk together to get on the same page."

After I thought for a second I said, "Sounds good V."

We walked back into the kitchen/dining room only to see Archie and Juliet surrounded by a massive mess.

"Hey Juliet." She turned her head so she could see me. "I need to talk to Uncle Archie and Aunt Veronica. Can you go to the living room and watch TV?"

She smirked, "Yes."

Pretty basic response, but it got the point across.

Once we had cleared a place on the dining room table Veronica bowed her head towards Archie.

Once he caught on that she was trying to get him to talk he said, "Ohhhhh ok... Well first off hello Betty." His awkward response made me smile.

Veronica whispered to him, "Archie, you know I love you but, would you please get to the point."

He sat up straight and said, "Right... So last night when I was driving home I got a call from Jughead saying he needed me." I haven't heard that in a long time. "Once I was there he started to tell me the story of how he and Toni met." I braced for impact. "He said they met while he was staying in the city because of his book. He went into a bar one night and she was the bartender. They began talking and stuff got more and more physical between them. She ended up going back to his apartment with him that night."

I couldn't breathe. It wasn't even a slow burn thing. He really just walked into bar and fucked the first girl he saw.

I think Veronica could tell that the topic was beginning to make me sick because she said, "Ok Arch, I think that enough story telling for the time being." She looked over to me and asked, "Are you ok B?"

She knew the answer was no, but asking was usually considered to be comforting to someone in pain.

"How long ago was this?" I asked him with showing any sort of feeling.

Archie tilted his head towards the floor and said, "They've been together for three months."

Three months... My husband has been cheating on me for three months. So many memories I had of him blowing me or Juliet off rushed back into my head. He had blowing his family off so he could spend all of his time with a random girl he met in New York.

The amount of times we had plans that he had to cancel because of 'work'. It made my heart ache.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a persistent Veronica saying, "B! B! B! Earth to B!"

When I looked up at her all I managed to get out was, "I need to go..."

I then broke into a sprint towards the bathroom.

Once I was done throwing up everything I had eaten in the last day, all I could say was, "Shit."

A/n Yes Betty, "Shit." is correct.  Next chapter is starting in Veronica's POV.

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