Chapter Nine

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A/n  Hello!  I'm sorry it has taken so long to update.  I have been having XXL writers block but I will try to post again soon. 

Betty POV

He looked the way I felt, lost with no idea of what would happen next. I wanted to drop everything and go be with him. I wanted to do that more than anything. To be able to erase every destructive event that had taken place. I wish I was able to change the past so we could focus on our future.

I slowly took one step forward clutching our bags tight. It felt like if I loosened my grip they would fly away. I took a deep breath as if I was going to say something, but nothing came out.

I wanted to say something along the lines of: "You deserve this." "This is on you." even a simple "Goodbye."

I couldn't... I couldn't hurt him like that. Even though he was the reason all of this started, I loved him too much to say anything that hurtful to him in a time of pain and vulnerability.

Should I stay? Am I overreacting? Or am I just asking myself these questions because I am scared of a world without him?

The truth was something I had been trying to ignore.

Jughead POV

I had no idea what to do, everything was happening so fast. Was she really going to carry through with this? I felt that even though she says she doesn't want to be with me anymore, she wouldn't leave me.

Not to sound like a complete narcissist, but, she had never been without me and I personally think she would be lost and afraid. I didn't see this as the worst thing. It could mean that she wouldn't leave me, or at least that she would have to come back.

I didn't want to let my life with her go. I want to stay with her and Juliet for as long as I live. Yeah, I've made mistakes but I still love her and my daughter above all else.

We stared into each other's eyes. I noticed her gripping the bags so tight I was worried she would break the skin on her palms.

I had to think of something quick. Something I could say, or do, to make her stay here with me. There was no way our story would end tonight.

She stood frozen in front of me as if she had to say something, but nothing came out.

As she began to head for the door I stepped in front of it. All I could think was "This is not how it's going to end".

I said, "Betty, please don't do this. Don't leave me, our lives together. I need you here with me and I know you need me too."

Her once blank expression had turned into one with sadness and a hint of anger.

"Jughead, our relationship was so special and strong because I believed I could trust you. We've spent our whole lives together and you always said you would be there for me. I put all my faith into you, but now it's gone. I've been blind to who you really are. You're someone who is able to do something like this. Someone who has the audacity to say I can trust them and then betray me."

Tears were forming in her eyes. "The things you have done to me and said about me have truly broken my heart. They're unforgivable. The one person who I always thought would be there for me, turned out to be the one who would cause my downfall. This relationship has become something that just hurts both of the people in it. I have been holding you back from the entire world you were never able to experience because of me, and I have been fooled by someone I love again. We're no good for each other anymore, and you clearly don't need me."

I felt like I had just been punched in the gut. Was I that bad a person? How could she think that I don't need her? I need her more than a fish needs water. Betty was my air, without her I would no longer be able to breathe.

No. I couldn't, and wouldn't, give up that easy.

"Betty I need and love you more than anything on the planet. You are my everything and I could never live without you. Please, please, don't leave me. Don't take away the only two people on earth who I truly love and care about. I need you."

Her eyes shot down the ground. It looked like she was searching for something she had dropped. As soon as she lifted her eyes I could tell she would not be spending the night with me in this house, or anywhere really.

Betty POV

I began to walk to the door, but he got there first.

I knew whatever he was about to say would make my life 10 times worse than it already was.

"Betty, please don't do this. Don't leave me, our lives together. I need you here with me and I know you need me too."

He had gotten a hold of my biggest fear, being without him. I couldn't give in, no matter what he said. He deserves an explanation. At least something that shows how hurt and betrayed I feel.

I decided to show what I had been hiding from the world. I had felt so alone. I had no one that would understand.

All I knew at that point is what I said began with "Jughead..." and ended with, "...and you clearly don't need me."

I sensed relief in myself for the first time in a long time. This sensation didn't last long. He responded by saying:

"Betty I need and love you more than anything on the planet. You are my everything and I could never live without you. Please, please, don't leave me. Don't take away the only two people on earth who I truly love and care about. I need you."

My eyes shot to the floor. Immediate eye contact would result in me getting stuck here forever.

Once I finally found the courage to meet his eye line again, I knew. I knew I couldn't spend any more of time here, I had to go.

I turned my face to the door and, somehow, was able to make it past him. My hand was stuck to the handle.

He asked, "Where are you going?"

I took a deep breath, "I'm going to Veronica's. She's someone who will be there for me." I opened the door and walked into the dark and cold Riverdale night.

I knew he was watching me walk to my car. It took everything I had to not take him back. You can get trapped in a place and not even realize it.

I texted Ronnie I was coming over.

As I started to back out of the driveway, everything began to sink in. I was leaving him and the only life I had ever known, but I was calm. It was like I had fallen into another person's body. It was as though all of the troubles I had encountered had happened with somebody else.

A/n  Hope y'all enjoyed TEOTFW references.  I know it's very sad.  That is because I am very sad.  Expect some more Veronica POV soon. <3

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