What's My Name?

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Joe had gone to deliver a pizza, well actually he had a whole bunch of pizzas to deliver, and honestly, he was running behind. So when he arrived at the house, he didn't have time to waste. The trouble with being a delivery guy is you really relied on tips, so he couldn't show that he was impatient.

"Really Jules? I didn't think pizza would take priority over me. Maybe if you were Reggie, but c'mon, don't I at least get a hug?" Random guy said. The girl at the door had been about to pay him, but this guy distracted her. Again, he couldn't rush her, but that could also mean lower tips at his other deliveries.

"Uh, so you're total is $21.60," Joe said. This seemed to snap the girl's attention back to him.

"Oh right, um here you go." The girl flung two twenties at him, grabbed the box out of his hand and looked back at the other guy on the porch. Joe waited for the girl to ask for her change, but she seemed to have completely forgotten he was still standing there.

Score! He walked away with a big smile. Maybe this day was going to turn around for him after all.


Julie knew she just gave an outrageous tip. But she didn't care at this moment. Her blood was boiling.

"Listen, I don't know who you think you are, but get off of my porch." She practically screamed.

The guy's face dropped. "Seriously, Jules? It's me." He replied.

"This isn't funny. Leave. Now." Julie growled.

At that moment, Carrie and Flynn arrived at Julie's house. Great, how was Julie going to explain this. Evidently, they had overheard Julie's words, and more importantly, how she was saying them.

Carrie put on a fake smile and walked over to this man boy. "Hi, I'm not sure if you heard my friend or not, but she doesn't want you here."

"Carrie, please, I just need to talk to Jules alone." He said.

Julie turned to Carrie with suspicious eyes. "Do you know this guy?" Carrie shook her head, silent with shock.

The guy groaned and raked his hands through his hair. This was not going the way he had hoped. "Julie, it's me."

"You keep saying 'it's me', but that doesn't mean anything. You get that right?" Flynn said. She was going into protective mode and stood in front of Julie.

"Right. Sorry. It's Luke. Or I guess Peter is my name now. But Jules, can't you tell it's me?" He reached his hand out to grab Julie's, but she flinched away.

Julie's eyes were watering now. Pure rage coursing through her. "This is some sick joke. Leave me alone!" She slapped him across the cheek, and stormed into her house. Flynn and Carrie were stunned, but they knew to give him a glare and follow Julie inside. The door slammed shut, and the audible sound of a deadbolt being turned.

This really was not how he had hoped this would go.


When Peter had woken up that morning, he felt like it was finally time to go and see Julie. He had been watching her for a while – he knew, just like a stalker – but he needed to see her properly. She seemed to be okay. Obviously he didn't want her to be sad, but he thought she might, you know, be a little sad. And he knew he didn't have any right to be jealous – she did think he had died – but there seemed to be some guy hanging around her all the time. Pete was pretty sure this new bozo was Julie's boyfriend. Just thinking about that sent Pete into a small rage.

Around 6 months ago, he found himself in Athens, standing in an apartment looking out at the sea. He wasn't sure how he got there, or really where there was. But he knew who he was, or rather who he had been. Some things had been a little hazy, but the general gist of things was pretty clear. He was Lucas Patterson, he had died in the 90s, came back as a ghost, fell in love, and then crossed over. He had immediately tried to call Julie, only to find he had no phone, or laptop. He tried poofing to her, but he was thankful no one was around because he probably had looked constipated – he hadn't moved an inch. And while the apartment was furnished, he didn't recognize anything.

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