Chapter Fourteen

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Pete and Benji were sulking. Ever since they had been trying to figure out what Michael could have 'gifted' Alex, they realized that apart from his anxiety, Alex mostly used sarcasm to deflect when he was upset. How had they not realized their best friend rarely spoke about his troubles.

Just then, Flynn and Julie walked into the studio. "Guess who is your favourite person ever?!" Flynn happily announced.



Flynn scowled at their response, but Julie couldn't help the blush spread across her face. "No, you idiots. Me. I am your favourite person."

"You're great and all Flynn, but you're wrong. Ray is definitely my favourite person. Sorry Julie," Benji said, not even bothering to look ashamed. Julie just smiled and shook her head in response.

Pete smacked Benji's arm. "She obviously has some good news to tell us, bro."

"At least one of you has a brain," Flynn said.

"Guys, just listen. Flynn had a pretty good idea," Julie urged.

"And by 'pretty good', she means an awesome, spectacular, you're-the-best-person-in-the-whole-world-and-I-will-die-on-that-hill," Flynn said smugly. Pete lifted his eyebrows and waited for her to continue. "You're going to make a new video!" Flynn said triumphantly.

Pete was confused, and was about to state the obvious, when Julie cut him off. "I know we've already tried making a video but nothing came from it. Flynn, you have to give more details – not everyone can read your mind like I can."

"Wait! You can read minds!? What am I thinking of right now?!" Benji said gleefully.

Flynn ignored Benji but resumed explaining her plan. "Okay so it's not just going to be any video. So you guys are going to do another recording of Stand Tall. You'll go all the way till Alex's solo. Then we'll abruptly stop the video, and say how Julie has been trying to reform the band, something about how you guys are gone – I haven't fully worked that part out yet, and then you'll say how you're holding auditions for drummers. They just need to send a video of them drumming and that we'll fly them out here for in person meet-ups. Then my job will be to get it out in the media and online so as many people can see it as possible and then BAM! We'll find Alex." Flynn crossed her arms and waited for the rounds of applause and cheers to start.

"Okay, not to burst your bubble or anything, but if Alex hasn't reached out from our other stuff, why would he now?" Pete asked skeptically.

"Well, you said Alex hates change – him being replaced might be a big enough change to get his attention," Julie said.

"Plus – you didn't have me involved before – I am your social media manager after all!" Flynn announced confidently.

"Flynnnnnnn, you still haven't told me what I'm thinking about," Benji said, reminding Julie of a 4 year old.

"Ray," Flynn said, not really paying attention, but said the first thing that popped into her head.


The other three did a mix between a laugh and a groan. Ah the sweet sweet joy of Benji.


"Ahh! Nate! Put some clothes on!" Fiona screamed.

Nate was staring at her with a bewildered look. "You were the one who ran into my room! It's not my fault – I just got out of the shower!" All the same, Nate threw on some clothes. "Okay – what was so important you had to run in here like a crazy person?"

"So, remember that video you watched that made you realize you could drum?"

"Oh, you mean the video that literally changed my life because it made me feel connected to part of my history? Nope. No memory of that," Nate said with a deadpanned voice.

"Wow, who knew you were so funny," Fiona said, matching Nate's tone.

"Were you just doing a memory test on me or something? I can remember current stuff Fi, it's just fuzzy around details from before."

"Well if you could stop being an arrogant know-it-all, I would tell you," Fiona said. She was used to Nate's ways by now, and had no problem calling him out on it. "Okay, so that band is looking for a new drummer!"

"What do you mean?" Nate asked, his curiosity peaking.

"A few weeks ago, the lead singer explained that the other members had to leave the band due to something personal. She said how they had already found a new bassist and guitar player, but they were still on the hunt for a drummer. They're taking auditions – you've got to try!"

Nate couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. "You're joking right? You've got to be joking. It hadn't even been a month since I started playing – there's no way I could join a band."

Fiona rolled her eyes. "That may be true in your mind, but your body obviously has been playing for longer than a month. Come on Nate, you've got to!"

"But what's the point?"

"Are you serious? How about the fact that you could be in a band? Plus, if they like you, they'll fly you out to California! There is no reason not to!"

Something about meeting Julie, the lead singer, in California gave Nate a funny feeling. "Well... I'll think about it."

Fiona shrugged in response. If Nate wasn't going to do this, she would just need to help push him. "Well if you won't play for them, will you at least show me what you've learned in the past month? Don't pretend you haven't been practicing," Fiona said with a smirk.

"Well... there is a small chance I've been practicing," Nate said with a shy smile.

"Own your awesomeness man!" Fiona said while grabbing Nate's hand and dragging him back to the music building. They stayed there till Nate's growling stomach could be heard over the drums. They laughed and headed to the dining hall before returning to their dorm rooms.

Fiona told Nate she had some work to do and sped off to her room, hiding a mischievous smile.

She opened her laptop, and began to write.


So I really loved that because of the size of my browser, the book's title is You Can Find Me In The Spa, and never have I wished for a truer statement.

And because I'm in a real 90s rom-com kick, here is an important reminder from good old Kat Stratford:

"Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of my own?"

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