Chapter 5

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Julie couldn't believe how much could change in the span of half an hour. Her anger had melted away to be replaced by the love she had for Luke err Pete. While it was still an adjustment to see this new body, new voice, and new name, Julie felt like he really had come home to her.

They had been cuddling on the couch when Julie's phone started ringing. Julie wanted to ignore the call – Pete had been telling her about the man who took off his shoes AND socks on the plane across the Atlantic. The vibrating of the phone however was a bit distracting, so Julie went to answer; Pete looked at the caller ID out of habit: Grant 💕

Julie had seen Pete's eyes glaze over as he saw Grant's name. "Um... I'll be right back, okay?" Pete nodded back, avoiding Julie's eyes. Once again, Julie's mood changed in a matter of minutes. She walked out of the studio, leaving Pete alone with his thoughts.

Pete watched Julie leave the studio. How could he have forgotten that Julie had a boyfriend? But then again, Julie had just kissed Pete and told him she loved him. So where did this leave them? For once he didn't feel jealous, but he couldn't help himself for being a little bit curious. Being the sneaky stealth guy that he was, he crept over to the window and tried to hear what Julie was saying.


Julie had hurriedly excused herself to answer the phone. She didn't want to leave Pete, especially after the moment they had, but she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid Grant forever.

"Hey!" Julie said, trying to force some enthusiasm into her voice.

"Hey babe. I missed you after school. What happened? People are saying you were arguing with some guy. Do I need to knock someone out?" Grant laughed.

Of course, he would have heard about her scene with Pete. Grant was great, but he often seemed like he was trying to prove something. Grant had transferred that year from Tennessee, and he had asked Julie out a few days later. It had been after music class, unsurprisingly, a guy from Nashville was into music. Julie hadn't given up on music after the guys left, it was something they had shared and she felt like she would have been letting them down if she had stopped. Julie had played Perfect Harmony, the last song she had written before the boys had left. Grant had said she had a voice like an angel, with a wink, referencing what she had just sung. Julie had blushed, but more out of embarrassment rather than affection. When he asked her on a date, she didn't get the same butterflies she had with Luke, but she assumed she never would again. If she had to move on after losing Luke, Grant seemed like a good enough option.

"Babe?" Grant's voice now had a slight edge of concern.

"Oh sorry – just spaced out for a minute there. Um no, no need to beat anyone up. It um was just a misunderstanding. But everything is cleared up now."

"Sounds good – plus, I know you could've handled yourself anyway. So, I'll swing by in about half an hour to pick you up. Love you." Grant said before hanging up the phone.

Right. So Grant was a good guy. He didn't pressure Julie to do anything, even to say the L-word back. She hoped that she would feel that way one day, but it didn't happen, and now that Pete was here, she doubted she ever would. She knew she was going to have to break up with him and she wasn't looking forward to that. It wasn't that Julie hated confrontation or anything, but did anyone really like breaking up with someone?

Sighing, Julie turned back to the studio, seeing a glimpse of a hair before it disappeared. Despite everything, Julie smiled. Luke had never been good at boundaries, and it seemed that Pete was no different.

Julie walked into the studio, spotting Pete trying to appear nonchalant in the least nonchalant way possible: hands folded in his lap while whistling and looking up. Julie shook her head slightly while rolling her eyes and holding back a laugh.

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