Chapter Nine

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Let's be honest – Benji was struggling to keep up with what was happening here. Some guy had walked over smiled at Julie and Carlos (even though it didn't look like a happy smile), before scowling at Pete and Benji. Sensing an uncomfortable tension, Benji stood up and held out his hand to the newcomer. "Hi! I'm Benji, and this good boy right here is my best friend Butter." Benji said proudly

He ignored Reggie's words and hand, and faced Julie. "So this is the second day in a row I've found you with Pete, and now there's another new guy. Do I need to worry, Babe?"

Julie was confused. Grant had never acted like this before. Or had she just never noticed because she was trying to forget about Luke? "Um Benji, this is Grant."

"Her boyfriend." He said smugly while placing his arms around Julie's waist from behind.

"So Grant, how is your grandfather doing? Julie told us he had to go to the hospital." Pete asked, changing the subject.

Grant looked confused momentarily. "Oh yeah, no he's fine. False alarm."

Julie pried herself from Grant's arms and turned around to face him. "Really? It sounded serious yesterday?"

Grant shrugged before looking at his phone. "Something's come up Babe. We'll talk about this later." Julie went to kiss Grant on the cheek when he grabbed her face and gave a long, passionate kiss – or at least it looked like one. Grant gave a small smirk before turning and walking away. Julie had a stunned look on her face as he walked away.

She sat back down beside Pete who was avoiding her gaze.

"So Benji... how long are you in LA for?" Carlos asked. Normally he would tease Julie about what just happened, but between her upset face and Pete's silence, he figured it wouldn't be best.

Benji was staring at Julie and Pete, unsure of what just happened. "Oh um, well I still need to pick my home base, but now that I know you guys are here, I was thinking I could stay here."

Julie turned her attention to Benji. "What? Me, Carlos and my dad have been here this whole time. You knew that." She had a small frown on her face realizing that maybe if it wasn't for Pete, Benji might never had reached out.

"Huh. I guess that's right. I guess wasn't sure if you would want to know me as Benji." In that moment, Julie was ready to throw fists. She wanted to track down everyone who had ever made Reggie feel small and insignificant, and give them a swift kick. She would let them choose: between the legs or to the face.

"Of course we would. We love you!" Julie chose to say instead. She would wait until they were doing a self-defence class or something at school and take out her anger then.

a/n – Just have to throw this out there. When I was in grade 9, there was a girls only self-defence class one night. There were many things that happened that night, but the only thing that stands out now, and probably will forever, is that the 18 year old guy who was teaching it was wearing bright blue shorts with a massive tiger leaping out from the crotch. Like, really dude?

Benji was thrilled when Julie suggested that he come home with them. He had been hoping she might offer, but that didn't stop him from feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. Not only did he have his family back, well minus Alex, but he got Butter back too!

Julie took a quick look at her watch – they had already been there for 2 hours?! How had that happened. "Kay, how about you guys head back to the house together, and I'll go pick us up some snacks from the grocery store."

"Sure, I'll go with you Jules." Pete happily volunteered.

Julie gave a small laugh. "No, go be with the boys. I'm sure – no, I know you want to catch up with Benji. I won't be long. See you guys back at the house!" Julie said, already walking away.

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