Chapter Six

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Pete stood up quickly which resulted in Julie falling off his lap.

"Oh Papi! Pete and I were just... well nothing was happening!" Julie said while standing up.

"Yeah Ray, I would never do anything – " Pete quickly stammered.

"It's Mr. Molina, young man." Ray said with an authoritative voice.

"Uh right, sorry sir." Pete said. Ray didn't know who he was, no wonder he didn't like being addressed so informally.

"I think your friend should be leaving now Julie." Ray said, never taking his eyes off Pete.

"Papi – " Julie started to say when Ray cut her off.

"Julie. He goes. Now."

"Jules, it's okay. I'll talk to you later. Good night sir." Pete said before rushing out the door.


An hour later Julie's phone pinged, indicating a new message.


So how did it go with your dad?

Well I now understand how

frustrated you must have felt

when I wouldn't let you explain


So that bad.

Did you tell him who I am?

Yeah. And Carlos explained too.

I think he eventually believed us,

but not before he gave me a long

lecture about boys and how I was

being unfair to Grant.

I'm sorry Jules.

At least he knows who I am now.

Yeah, he said you can come back

whenever and your room is still

here, but then did the whole 'no

boys in the room' talk 🙄

I wonder if the rule works both ways 😉

Lucas Peter!

I obviously meant for writing music.

Gosh Jules, get your head out of

the gutter.

Also, really, Lucas Peter?

Well I can't remember your new

last name.

Speaking of which... what are you

going to do about your parents?

Pete stared at his phone. What was he going to do? Julie had told him about she told his parents that he had crossed over properly this time. They had cried together, and shared funny stories about Luke growing up and after becoming a ghost. It had been sad, but also had felt healing in some ways.

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