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{Trigger warning, this chapter has mentions of sexual abuse, so please do not read if this will be harmful to you. There shall be a symbol when it starts (####) and one again at the end if you want to skim through, but do not feel obliged to read}

Venus had decided to go in and check on George to see how he had found the transfiguration essay and see if he needed any help. As she made her way down to the dungeons, she saw George heading up looking like he was looking for someone. As they crossed paths, George froze and somewhat mechanically told her that Winters was looking for her and wanted to speak and apologise. Venus sighed as she was really not in the mood to speak to the bitch at that point she had had enough with all the silent treatment and blatant dismissals. But by being the true Hufflepuff she was she decided to hear her out as she was still slightly upset by it all and felt that she deserved an explanation. She altered her course slightly heading to where she had agreed to meet the Slytherin girl.

As she reached the bottom of the dungeons she called out to Winters. who she guessed was in the shadows because, as of late, of her not being so popular, "Winters, what is it? You know I don't like you or want to speak to you. So speak up while I still have the patience to talk to you"

She was met only with silence, which started to get on Venus' nerves, it was Winter's idea in the first place to meet up anyways, and she didn't even have the decency to show up on time. Venus was going to turn around when suddenly she felt a foreign hand pulling her backwards into the shadows, and before she had time to let out a small yelp or figure out what was happening and cast a defensive spell, the figure, whom she deducted was male, whispered "Imperio."


Venus felt like she was floating on clouds, all of her problems vanished and replaced with nothing but fluff and good thoughts... But for some reason something felt off, she felt hands over her body, invisible hands that she couldn't find the source of; they felt as though they were invading the deepest parts of her mind and body. Venus was confused and scared, even in this peaceful dreamscape, something just felt wrong, as though this was not a dream but a silent nightmare, waiting for the perfect moment to rip down the painted facade and plunge her into utter terror .

"You are going to do everything I say, aren't you my sweet little hazelnut," A voice from far away entered, and for some reason she felt compelled to follow it, to obey that voice... But there was something at the back of her mind, begging her, telling her not to listen.

"You are mine, little one, my golden toy, mine to keep forever, everyone else be damned. I'm going to take you away and tie you to a bed in the cellar of my house and do with you as I please and there is no one to stop me, and you are not going to resist in any way, or I shall do far worse things to you my little gummy bear worse than you can ever imagine, or maybe it will be better than your dirtiest fantasies" The voice spoke. To Venus, the voice seemed to be like a siren calling to her, convincing her that if she did what it asked of her then everything would be alright and she would have nothing to worry about for the rest of her life. It called out to her that if she stayed with the voice and did like it asked she would live a life of pure pleasure and delight for many years to come.

The voice in the back of her mind speaks up once more, "Don't listen to him, don't do it! Snap out of it, snap out of it! This isn't real!" That was the final straw, the link between Ron and Venus broke, however she couldn't show him all of her cards yet. She felt disgusted as Ron wrapped her closer to him before he leant towards her ear once, more giving it a little nibble as he whispered, "Now I want you to go about business like you would normally do, and meet me outside the Room of Requirement, tomorrow at noon for some...play time with Daddy."

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕷𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now