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{"Again, sorry, no trigger warning since it isn't a trigger I believe but still not great." Amy announced as she pointed to the chapter behind her.}

The cup had been made into a portkey, dragging them to an unknown destination, it was a few moments before the swirling, sandstorm of colour let Venus free from its snatches and dropped her down onto a patch of damp grass. As Venus lifted her head up from the dewy grass she looked around to see if she could spot Cedric who had also been flattened onto the grass beside her. With a slight groan the boy raised himself up off the ground, shaking his hair slightly to remove the excess water it had gained. Seeing this, Venus decided to check her own hair; shaking it like a dog would its coat letting out a shower of water and a couple of leaves?!

As Venus stood up, she decided to take a better look at her surroundings. To her surprise it appeared as though the pair of them had been transported into a graveyard in the middle of nowhere, inky black sky filled with stars illuminated the dingy area, tall tombstones hid in the darkness; looming like ancient teeth protruding from the overgrown earth. The ground was nothing but a mess of plants. Once presumably stone gravestones were now coated in a layer of mosses, lichen and ivy making the words almost impossible to decipher with ancient symbols appearing. As Venus looked behind her to see that she had landed on a small hill next to the biggest statue she could see, it was off angel wielding a huge scythe but as Venus looked closer she noticed that instead flesh and skin it was simply a skeleton.

To the left of her stood a small mausoleum, the gates covered in rust and the roof a pretty shade of aqua. As she looked at her best friend she saw him jump up quickly and rush to the right of them, where stood, a gigantic cauldron in the large empty space in front of the building {with a stinky stream coming out of it that smelled like rotten farts, mould and cat hair, it soon became apparent that this was amortentia as Venus took in a deep smell of her one true soulmate - Filch}

There was a loud popping sound as Cedric disappeared for a second before reappearing with a small bundle in his hands. To Venus it looked somewhat like a baby, with two little arms poking out of the top of the bundle and a bald head on show. But as Cedric got closer and Venus was shocked to see a very familiar face. A face that had haunted her life for years. A face that had taught her in her second year. A face reborn in her fourth year. The 'baby' that her brother held was not a baby, but in fact it was Voldespawn - a lump of flesh with Mouldy Voldy's face on it. {"Hey at least he didn't look as bad as fucking Respiration Carbohydrate with her Chuckeseme doll" Lyssa laughed} Venus froze as she watched Cedric dump the little fetus deletus into the cauldron before drawing his wand and beginning to make symbols in the air silently while casting a silent "protego" around himself and the cauldron and an "Incarcerous" over Venus, restricting her from interfering with the ritual.

It was then that Cedric pulled out a fancy looking dagger, plated with gold and with intricate designs carved into the blade and placed on the handle. As Venus stared at the blade, she realised that half of the symbols were that of Merlin and that the others were of something unrecognisable as they were partly covered by Cedric's hand. With a slight sugh, and a regretful look in his eye as he quickly pulled the sharp blade across his hand leaving a few small beads of blood to appear on his palm as he wiped them on a cloth and kept doing it until the white cotton was red. He then used this cloth to polish the outside of the cauldron with his blood before dousing it in alcohol and setting fire to it, while sprinkling the ashes around it. He then started tracing a circle around them all making sure to let fall a few drops of blood with each step. Then to Venus' horror, Cedric began walking over to her holding the knife in his hand and grabbed her hand before doing the same as he did to her as he did to himself. Except this time he also added a few drops of her blood directly to the cauldron as well.

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