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You woke up the next morning with a massive headache. Blinking your eyes repeatedly, you tried to adjust to the darkness and figure out where you were. A sliver of sunlight peeked through the curtains from the window next to the bed, shedding light on an unfamiliar room. That's when you noticed your hand was laying across a sleeping man's chest. 


Where were you? Staring at the blonde man in bed, you wracked your brain for everything you could remember about the events of the night before. You had broken up with James, there had been lots of whiskey, a pigeon, and this man. Steve! That was his name. You assumed this must have been his apartment, but how had you ended up here? 

Starting to panic a little you slowly lifted the sheets slightly praying that you would be dressed underneath. Damn. No such luck.

You tried to stay calm and not jump to any conclusions. Just because you didn't have any clothes on doesn't necessarily mean you did anything with him, right? You turned to look at the man next to you, studying his features. He had a chiseled jawline and you could see how defined his muscles were even with the sheet covering his arms and chest. Yea, there's no way you hadn't fooled around with him. The man was just way too attractive for a drunk and heartbroken (Y/N) to have passed up on. 

Your eyes travelled back up to his face when you felt a rush of deja vu. Steve looked incredibly familiar, as if you had met him many years ago. You shrugged the thoughts away assuming it was probably just the hangover messing with you. Besides, you had bigger problems to deal with at the moment because his bright blue eyes were suddenly staring straight back at you.

"Morning (Y/N), did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah I did, thanks," you looked away from him fiddling with your hands. It was a nervous habit your mother had tried to break, but it still came back whenever you were really stressed. 

Steve could tell something was wrong. The smile you gave him wasn't the same as the smiles he saw the night before. It was a half-hearted smile meant to hide what you were actually thinking.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh yea, I'm fine. I'm just trying to piece together what happened last night," you said shrugging. Looking up at him you decided to ask the question you weren't sure you wanted to know the answer to.

"Did we umm.. you know?" you blushed deeply.

"Yea we did. Do you not remember?" Steve raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Not really, only bits and pieces." 

He turned his head, breaking your eye contact but not before you could see the hurt in his eyes. Why did he care so much? After all, you had only just met the man yesterday.

Steve rolled out of bed heading towards a door that you could only assume led to a bathroom. 

"What do you remember?"

"I remember the bar, and walking here. Then I don't know, everything is all fuzzy," you admitted, your head falling forwards to rest on your left hand. You'd been hungover before but the pounding in your head was like no other. Noticing Steve's eyes were still trained on you, you suddenly felt very exposed. You pulled the bed sheet up slightly so that you were more covered but you knew it wasn't really helping.

"I could lend you some spare clothes, if you want?" Steve offered graciously, seeing how uncomfortable you looked. 

He felt awful. He knew he should never have kept kissing you in the first place, even if you had said you weren't that drunk. Clearly that wasn't the case or you would have remembered more of their night. Their perfect night, that now had black clouds of the morning after settling overhead. 

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