T H I R T Y - F I V E

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*A/N: Before you read, I wanted to ask everyone that if you've been enjoying this book to go check out my other Steve Rogers book. The first four parts are posted already, it is called Ghost of You, and just a heads up it is going to be a little bit steamier then this book has been (wink wink)! I promise you won't be disappointed! Thanks again for all the support for Just Steve, the stories are nothing without readers and it means the world to me that so many of you have stuck with me <3*

Steve had made himself busy unpacking his suitcase, sorting through the mess of clothes he had packed in a rush before leaving for Boston. Tony was sitting at Steve's desk ranting on and on about the pair still in the living room. He had tried to explain to him that their friendship was more complicated than Tony understood. That bringing (Y/n) back wasn't going to immediately solve the issues between them, even if his heart had been in the right place by surprising them with an unexpected reunion. 

They had been alone for awhile now, Steve had thought (Y/n) might come get him when they were done but now he was growing a little restless. He stayed put in his room, figuring that they were probably just catching up, not wanting to cut in on any of her time with her best friend. That's when the sound of raised voices caught his attention. He hesitated for a moment, listening for any indication of what happened, only what sounded like a door-closing followed by an eerie quiet had taken its place. Telling Tony that he would be right back he left his room, turning the corner and walking down the hallway towards the living room. 

When he arrived his apprehension only grew. Peter was alone, sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. (Y/n) was nowhere to be found. 

"Where is she?" 

Peter didn't respond. He didn't even look at Steve, as he kept his head down, staring at the ground. 

"Peter, what happened? Where's (Y/n)?" He tried again. 

"What happened?" Peter's head shot up, his eyes bloodshot, narrowing in Steve's direction. "You forced me to lie to my best friend and then she fucking abandoned me, that's what happened!"

Steve wasn't sure if he had ever been on the receiving end of such a scathing glare. If looks could kill, he was sure he would have died on the spot. A rush of guilt ran through him as Peter reminded him of the fact that he himself was at least partially responsible for causing the rift between (Y/n) and her best friend. This feeling was quickly pushed to back of his mind as he began to put the pieces together. (Y/n) had been ready and willing to make things right so if she wasn't sitting with him now it was because Peter hadn't been. 

"What did you say to her?"   

Peter stood up from his spot on the couch, moving around the coffee table to head for the elevator. He hadn't made it more than one step before Steve moved in front of him, still a few yards away but still blocking his exit. He saw Peter tense in response, was sure that the hair on the back of his neck stood rigid and alert. Steve was equally stiff, matching Peter's stance, even though his stomach squirmed uncomfortably. It was the feeling he always got whenever he felt things were about to go south. 

"I know (Y/n) wouldn't have left on her own. She felt terrible, she was ready to fix things between you, so the only reason she wouldn't be here is if you forced her not to be."  

"Jesus she's in her room, okay? Can I leave now?" Peter took a few steps to the left, trying to get around him but Steve followed his movements.  He knew he needed to go find (Y/n) but a surge of fierce protectiveness overcame him, the need to defend her monopolizing every thought.

 "If you did something to hurt her I swear to God Peter I'll-"

"You'll what?" Peter shouted. "Do you honestly think there's anything I could do to make her feel a fraction of the pain that you caused her? Where do you get off acting so superior?" 

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