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"All I'm saying is I think I'd make a great president of the United States."

"Well you have my vote," Steve agreed, bemused.

Drunken bravado was really the best. Thoughts of finding your ex-boyfriend cheating on you with your best friend were pushed to the back of your mind as you chatted with the handsome stranger sitting across from you. You were downing drinks trying to keep up with him, but it still seemed like he wasn't affected at all. Meanwhile, you were staring at Steve but his image blurred in front of you. Wasn't there only one of him? You could swear that there were now three Steves waving in front of you.

"I think I should call it," you sighed dramatically and added in a sing-song voice, "no more whiskey for me."

Steve had been watching you finish drink after drink. He had to say he was impressed that you were able to keep up with him for as long as you did. He wanted to explain that the serum that had turned him into the super soldier he is today prevented him from getting drunk but something was holding him back. It wasn't often that he met someone who didn't know him as Captain America, and he had enjoyed your company more than he cared to admit.  He wanted to stay just Steve to you. At least for a little while longer.

"It's not fair, my head is spinning and you seem totally fine!" you punched his arm playfully, snapping Steve out of his thoughts.

"Well I'm like twice your size, so I have a pretty big advantage," Steve noted, feeling somewhat guilty, although it wasn't technically a lie.

"I want another drink," you declared.

"I thought you just said you wanted to call it quits?" he laughed.

Remembering that you had in fact just said that you rolled your eyes. You would have been embarrassed but honestly you were far too drunk to care.

"You know what I really want?"

"What?" Steve raised his eyebrow waiting for your response.

"One of those fluffy, white, hotel bathrobes. They are so cozy... none of the robes I have are ever as soft."

You weren't sure what had brought the idea of hotel robes to your mind and expected Steve to make fun of you for it but he surprised you instead.

"I have two at my apartment, they are the best," he admitted.

"What?!" you exclaimed, a little too loudly given that Steve was still right across from you. "Okay, come on, let's go!"

You hopped off the stool, starting to put on your winter jacket but had trouble with the zipper. Steve moved your hand out of the way and helped guide the zipper up all the way to your chin. When his fingers brushed your face you felt your heart rate increase and you blushed slightly.

"What do you mean? Go where?" Steve said, pulling you out of your trance.

"To the white, fluffy robes! Lead the way, just Steve!" you giggled to yourself as you repeated his phrase from earlier.

Steve debated this for a moment. On the one hand, taking you back to the tower ran the risk of you realizing who he actually was. On the other hand, you had a lot of alcohol in your system and he wanted to make sure that you drank some water and ate something before heading to bed. He could drop you off at your own apartment, but that would mean the night was over, and he had been enjoying himself more than he had in a long time.

Making his decision he smiled at you, grabbing his own jacket.

"Alright, follow me."


An hour later, (Y/N) and Steve were lying on his bed wearing the hotel bathrobes. Steve had been worried that you might have recognized Stark Tower but luckily, you had been drunk enough that you didn't appear to notice. It had helped that around the same time you were entering the building, a pigeon had landed nearby that you had very cleverly named Paulie. After dragging you away from your new best friend, Paulie the Pigeon, Steve had you drinking lots of water and eating some crackers. As a result, you had sobered up a little, or at least enough that Steve's head wasn't spinning anymore when you looked at him.

"So, these robes are pretty nice, don't you think?"

"I'd say so, I'm never taking mine off!" (Y/N) grinned, rubbing the fluffy sleeve on her chin.

"Well we can't have you stealing one of my robes. I could arrange taking it off of you if you'd rather?"

The minute the words came out of his mouth he regretted it. He barely knew the girl and was already joking about taking off her clothes. It wasn't something he would normally do. It wasn't really something he would ever do. It's not like he had never dated other women, but flirting wasn't his strong suit. The fact was he couldn't help himself. Ypu brought out something in him he had never really known was there.

"Wow, very smooth Steve."

He exhaled in relief at her light-hearted response, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in.

"Well I have had years of practice."

This struck you as a weird comment to make. He may have come across as an old soul, but he definitely wasn't old.

"How many years could you possibly have?" you questioned innocently.

Steve burst out laughing at the question.

"Oh, you have no idea." he replied still chuckling.

You didn't understand what he thought was so funny, but decided to blame your ignorance on the alcohol. He had the most amazing laugh. It was one of those laughs that everyone else couldn't help but join in when they hear it. So that's exactly what you did.

A few strands of hair fell in front of your face as you laughed with him, and Steve instinctively reached out to pull the hair back behind your ear. He let his hand linger on your cheek, not wanting the moment to end. He slowly began to lean closer and you mirrored his actions, two magnets being pulled together.

When your lips met it seemed as if the room had faded away. The pictures on the wall, the glass of water on the nightstand, your clothes on the floor. All of it faded in a blur, leaving just you and just Steve. When his lips pulled back from yours abruptly, you started to worry.

"I don't think this is a good idea" he mumbled. You expected him to pull away from you but Steve's forehead was still resting on yours. Confused by the mixed signals, you decided to try to kiss him again and see how he'd react.

He pulled you against him, deepening the kiss until he broke it again, backing away from you. You huffed in annoyance and confusion and went to turn away from him but he gently held your waist keeping you in place.

"Believe me I want to keep kissing you, I just... I don't want to do anything you might regret later."

It was a fair question. He was clearly an honorable man, seeing as many wouldn't have thought twice about kissing a girl who had been drinking. But you knew what you wanted. It might not have been a smart decision, but you couldn't help yourself.

"I'm fine Steve, I- I want this."

It was true that Steve was an honorable man, but he was also still a man. A beautiful woman was standing in front of him telling him she wanted him, and he couldn't fight it anymore. His hands gently pushed you back to the edge of the bed and you fell onto the mattress backwards. You pulled him down on top of you, and his lips closed the remaining distance, crashing onto yours. His hand ran through your hair while the other tugged at the flimsy knot that had been keeping your robe together until it came undone, falling off your shoulder.

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