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"Sup, loser."

The door to Peter's room at the tower burst open as (Y/N) waltzed in. Peter jumped slightly, taken aback by her sudden appearance, then rolled his eyes. Ever since he had gotten his powers, Peter could sense things before they happened. He didn't really know how to explain it to other people, it was just a feeling that he got sometimes. This sixth-sense, or as his Aunt called it his 'Peter Tingle', made it nearly impossible to catch him off-guard. Yet somehow, (Y/N) always managed to surprise him. Probably because she was always doing things he didn't understand. The little weirdo. 

"You missed quite the party last night", she said as she walked over to the bean bag chair she had long since claimed as her own.  

Peter rubbed his eyes, stifling a yawn. He had stayed up late last night finishing the report he had forgotten about, submitting it online just at the last minute. He sat up on his bed, checking his watch for the time to see it was half past ten. He narrowed his eyes at the girl across from him in confusion. (Y/N) was not a morning person. In fact, he usually had to drag her lazy ass out of bed by noon so that he would have someone to hang out with. So why was she all of a sudden so peppy and...happy? 

"Why are you in such a good mood?" he questioned, but she just smiled back at him mischievously, and shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh god... you did something slutty didn't you?"

(Y/N) quickly grabbed her slipper from her foot, throwing it across the room at Peter's face but he caught it easily.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes?" he laughed, tossing it back to her.   

"Nothing slutty... it was just a kiss," she said, fiddling with the fuzzy slipper in her hand, as if waiting for Peter to say something that would make her want to throw it at him with more force a second time.

Peter jumped up excitedly, grinning widely, looking like a little kid on Christmas morning. He had been wanting Steve and (Y/N) to get together for so long now, and he was so sure that she was about to confirm that they finally got together. 

"I also had the pleasure of meeting Sharon," she added, rolling her eyes.

"Oh shit...", Peter's smile faltered slightly, growing more concerned. 

If he knew Tony had invited Sharon to the party he would never have let (Y/N) go alone. He'd only met her a few times, but he knew enough from those few interactions that if Steve brought another girl around that she would cause drama for no reason. 

"Yep", she replied, nodding her head up and down and pursing her lips.

"She called me a liar. Said all this shit about how Steve isn't the father, that I'm just using him, and that all of Steve's friends thought so too."

Peter moved to the edge of the bed so he was closer to where (Y/N) was sitting.

"(Y/N) you know none of that's true right?" he asked, worriedly. Before she could even answer he began to rant anxiously.

"I don't know what Steve told you about her but she definitely doesn't speak for everyone at that party. I trust you. And I know Steve trusts you and that should be enough. I mean that's enough right? Don't let a stupid, jealous, agent-whatever get in the way of you being happy."

He finished his rant, trying to catch his breath but he was still nervous. (Y/N) had made so much progress in the last few weeks. Her walls had been coming down and for the first time it was not just because Peter and Steve wanted to knock them down, but because she wanted to. Because she was tired of being alone, and not letting anybody in. But as much progress as she had made he knew she wasn't fully a hundred percent there yet. He was terrified something like this might send her running for the hills and then she'd shut herself off from people for good. And she was too great of a person to do that.

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