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"You're doing great (Y/n), just a few more push-"

Your doctor's voice was drowned out by the sound of your pained groans. It felt like your entire body was being split into two. Tears stained your face from the effort of it all. 

"I want the drugs." You told Steve breathily. "I can't do this without it!"

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." Steve said sympathetically. "It's too late for any pain medication now, it wouldn't kick in in time."

He glanced at the Doctor who nodded in confirmation.

"I don't care!" You sobbed as he gripped your hand, placing a reassuring kiss on the top of your head. 

You squeezed his palm tightly, half-crying and half-moaning as you began to push again. 

"The baby's crowning." The doctor informed as you were panting heavily, struggling to catch your breath.  

Steve scrambled from your side, trying to get a closer look as you continued to force your baby out. He looked slightly nauseated at whatever was going on under the sheet that was covering you from your stomach down, but his eyes remained in a fixated trance. 

"Oh my god (Y/n)." He said excitedly. "I can see it! I can see our baby!"

"Keep pushing (Y/n). You're almost there now." You heard the doctor's voice but couldn't register his words. You were too tired, too exhausted. Couldn't they just pull the baby the rest of the way out now? Hadn't you done enough? You thought if one more godforsaken individually told you to keep pushing you'd push them over and see how they like it.

"I- I can't." You breathed out, choking on your words. "Somethings wrong Steve, it hurts."

Steve raced back to your side, seemingly snapping out of his daze.    

"You can do this, sweetheart. You're almost done, just hold on a little longer." He pleaded. 

You tried to hold onto the sound his voice as you willed yourself to finish one final push, using up the last of your strength. You had no concept of how long you had pushed for, or if it had even worked or not, you just wanted this to be over. There was a loud ringing in your ears, drowning out what seemed like whispered encouragements and I love you's from Steve. The doctor was trying to tell you something. He was leaning over in his stool and handing something covered in blankets to a nurse nearby. Steve was smiling at you with watery and hopeful eyes.

You strained your ears, trying to figure out what was going on.    


Your eyes fluttered as exhaustion began to take over. Steve's concerned face came in and out of view.

"She's losing too much blood." 

"What's going on? (Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

"Get him out of here!" 

You clung to the mix of jumbled voices for as long as you could but eventually you felt the light fumble and slip from your fingers and you were pulled into darkness.      


"No pain medication? Honestly, what kind of a hospital is this?"

"She said she didn't want any, it's not like they could force her to take something."

The sound of two bickering voices began to draw you back in as you struggled to force your eyes open.

"Of course she said that, this is (Y/n) we are talking about! I said the same thing right before I had her until my ex-husband told me I was being ridiculous and to take whatever drugs they were offering. It's the one good piece of advice he's ever given me."

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