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The living room was filled with the sounds of loud, intoxicated voices and clinking champagne glasses. Subtle and classy jazz music could be heard distantly in the background as the party Tony had decided to throw was in full swing. You weren't even sure what the party was for but apparently whatever it was warranted over a hundred guests which were now milling around the living room and bar areas.

Steve had told you about the party a week ago, telling you he wanted you there so he could introduce you to a number of his teammates and friends that you hadn't met yet. Normally, you would have jumped at the chance to go to a party, any party really. You loved to let loose and have a good time. But given your current situation, you weren't so eager. You were nervous about meeting Steve's friends, especially knowing that you wouldn't have your trusty whiskey neat in hand to ease your nerves. Tony was clearly not a big fan of yours and you were worried his other friends would act the same.

In the end, the hopeful and nervous glances Steve had given you while asking had made it impossible to say no. That's how you found yourself all dolled-up in a simple silk, navy dress, sitting on a couch in a circle of Steve's friends who were all of course, literal superheroes. Yea, not intimidating at all. All things considered, you were just glad the dress still even fit and that you hadn't started to show. Your foot tapped nervously to the beat of the music while you sat there quietly watching the group interact.

Scanning the unfamiliar faces around you, you made a mental note to yell at Peter for ditching the party. He was supposed to go, but had forgotten about a report he had due tomorrow. Having taken the class last year, he had guilted you into giving him your old report to help him finish on time. He may save lives, but the boy was still the the most forgetful person you had ever met.    

You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt a hand rest gently on your knee. Steve had apparently noticed how your leg was still bobbing up and down anxiously, and his calming touch steadied your nerves. Turning slightly to where he was sitting on the couch beside you, you gave him a small smile, reassuring him that you were alright. In the past few weeks you had noticed how hard Steve's job was on him. It required him to be so tense and serious, all the time.  You had tried to be a source of light amidst the darkness of his work, wanting him to take time for himself and relax. As such you wanted to make sure he had a fun night, and you knew he wouldn't be able to do that if he was too busy worrying about you. 

Moving your hand to rest on his own, you gave it a light squeeze before moving the hand back to your lap. When you turned back to face the circle you found a smirking Nat eyeing you, clearly having noticed the interaction.

"So (Y/N), have you guys started thinking about baby names yet?" Nat asked, causing all eyes in the circle to move to you. 

"Oh no, we haven't even talked about that yet, we still have like almost seven months to figure it out though," you answered.

"We decided that we are going to wait to find out the gender, so we've got some brainstorming to do," Steve added with a laugh. "Actually I was thinking the other day-" 

"Well obviously they are going to name it after me," Thor stated in a booming voice from the opposite couch, cutting Steve off mid-sentence. His hammer sat next to him intimidatingly but there was a twinkle in his eye letting you know he was mainly all bark with maybe only a little bite.

"What? No! Name it after me!" Clint interjected, causing small chuckles to travel around the circle. 

"Excuse me, the capsicle and his little side piece are staying in my tower rent free," Tony noted, commanding everyone's attention as he was striding through the middle of the group, drink in hand, motioning towards where you sat next to Steve. "If they are going to name the tiny human after anyone, it's going to be me."

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