after long bad sitch (paradise)

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Moanas pov

"Where are we?" I question the lush over grown plants. Almost like they have been untouched. "Told you, no people." He informs me happily, pushing leaves back as he leads us. 

"Then where are you taking us?" I persist. "You'll see. It's a spot I know. Its a great place to relax for a couple days." 

"And after staying in a cage for a moon cycle, I'm in need of some open air." his muscles visibly tense across his back as he pushes harder to get there. He really doesn't enjoy the whole being trapped thing. Cant blame him though. Honestly, I need a break too. I'm physically and mentally exhausted. 

I hear it before I see it. The waterfall is.. gorgeous. Gorgeous over grown green, large fruits hanging from them with vibrant flowers bloomed. "Woah," I admit how impressed I am. "And you said no people here?" I question with a bit of disbelief. Its a large lush island. It could support a lot of life. "Nope." he reports happily taking his hair down with a big grin. He steps back, before taking off. I watch him jump with a gleeful yell. 

he pops up out of the crystal clear water with a pleased smile. "This! is what we need!" he announces. "Come on Mo! The waters great!" 

His smile is contagious. Just like his mood. Reckless and happy and wild. I can't help but hope there is some of that in me too. Even as I feel my hesitation take over. "I don't know," I call down, looking at the height of the water. " Ah come on Mo, I'm already down here. You'll be okay!" I breathe out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Its shaky. I notice I am too. I'm scared. I force my foot behind me. I'm always scared. I step further back with every thought. One step. That's all I need to take.  Step. Now another. Step. "Mo?" 

I take off to his voice, feeling the air rushing past my ears as I go. I release the tension from my lips, and hit the cool water with a rush straight to my head. 

Maui's Pov 

I laugh at her quip. She nonchalantly lays it on me as she swims around comfortably now. Relaxed, free of worry. Cutting jokes in the moon light. We've swam all day washing away the good and bad from our latest stop. Already the trip has been heavy on her. The ocean helps. And Writing to her mom. But- The thought hits me, what is she gonna tell Sina about this one? I'm so screwed. I didn't protect her from Poevera at all. 

"What yo thinking about?" I focus in on her curious eyes as they watch me watch her. "How your mom is going to take the last one." I admit. Making her smile, and shrug. "She doesn't have to know everything." I raise an eyebrow at her, to see if she's serious. Her grin is amused at my relief, " yeah, I mean.." her eyes go to the water before bouncing up to the moon, "I don't want to worry her with the...little stuff." I watch her carefully. 

"You can worry me with them, if you ever want to." I inform her. Pulling her from her thoughts. She notices my expression and forces the thoughts away. "Yeah, I know. Thanks." she paddles around some more. "I have to give it to you," she changes the subject. "This place is nice." 

I let her, "yeah I know, and I haven't even showed you the best part." I reach up and pick a ripe fruit from the tree, saying a quick thank you. I crack it and twist, opening it up in my palm. I peel one of the pods out and hold it out to her. "Here drink this." She looks at it skeptically. "I've never seen those before, what are they?" She takes it as she questions me, opening it up and sucking it down quickly. 

"There you go," I encourage her. "You are supposed to drink them fast." "What are they?" I toss her another. "Lawaki fruit." I inform her. "Never heard of it." she admits opening up the other and sucking it down too, "its kind of bitter." She notes through a twisted face. I cant help but laugh as she paddles up to me and grabs another, "But its good. sweet." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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