The Feast of judgement

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Extravigant. That's the best word she has to describe this 'thrown' together feast. Young children performing coordinated dances, hula dancing, fire spining.... It all seemed planned to Moana.
Every since Selila had with held Maui from her today her suspicion has been on high alert.

Making her smile require effort to maintain And her gut do flips in anticipation.
The whole thing just felt uneasy but by the smiles on all the other faces and laughter in the air you'd think this was authentic for them. Maybe it partially is... But the certainty didn't sit well with her.
Why would someone go through this much trouble and put on a show upon our arrival?
To impress us? 

"Moana of Montinui, please come join us" his dark eyes seem to cast down on her and linger there, waiting for her signal of acceptance.
Her lips curl forcefully, "oh I am not the best dancer I-"
"Nonsense. You are most likely a magnificent dancer." his voice booms above hers as his hand snaps out. She eyes it hesitantly.

She's not a bad dancer at all. Her grandma taught her as she grew up. She's rather good actually. But she's not here to dance. quite the opposite actually.

Her fingers touch his large hands. To her suprise the chief holds the hands of a cloth soaker or nurser. Soft. Unworked. Pampered.
Not like hers...or her father's.

Her feet find themselves on the soft powdered dirt by a large fire. Clapping in beats and shells can be heard around her.
She watches the surrounding village peoples. Passivinians. Like her people. They all hold bright faces. Young and old. All full of spirit. All with this kind of charm that welcomes the furthest traveler.

Different but...the same.

Moana's pov

I coax my lips to curl and my body to start swaying. I roll my hands up and start the song. "Ooaaaooohhhayyaaa" I sing out. I listen to their voices repeat the traditional begining.
" ohhhaunnni lei yuniiii" I call out.
A beat comes out of now where as the dancers adjust to the song.
The smile on my lips slowly becomes natural.
No matter how different we appear to be... we are all the same.

Mauis pov

I follow limby to the feast eagerly happy to get out in the open. Free. Free to fly off. Free to grab Moana and escape. Free to find her and share my suspicions of these people of their sense of hospitality.

I hear them before I see them. I recognize the music and I recognize her voice as she leads it. Cutting in to perform her parts. I'd imagine she's dancing too. The idea brings a smile to my lips. She's a pretty good performer.

My eyes land on her as her hips sway and her arms paint pictures in the sky above her. She dips with a sway of her wrists and returns with a genuine smile. She leads a line of dancers who mimick her moves.

My feet stop as I take in the sight. Her eyes large as the moon and her smile wide as the ocean. Her skin smooth in the Orange glow surrounding her.

Her eyes meet mine and her whole body falters. She straightens up and turns to me quickly. Like she's eager to see me.
Her feet lead her to me but she is blocked from leaving the circle of villagers.

I push past the boy, unwilling to wait any longer.
I push my way to her and she offers me a seat next to her. I accept against the worried looks surrounding me.

"Having fun?" I question her as she catches her breathe and collects herself. Her big smile grows smaller and her brow curls. "I- I guess. But I need to talk to you about this place." She glances around her as the dancing continues.
"Its wierd. And I think we should leave soon." I raise an eyebrow at her.
"They want me to ask their gods for permission to cancel the marriage at a volcanoe tommorow." She informs me. My eyes widen.
If the volcanoes reacts wrong, they could keep her here. Force her to marry him. Say it's the gods will. When I know for a fact the gods don't care unless it effects them.

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