The thorne of a secret and a tree

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Moanas pov

I groan "Finally!" I push myself from his grip.
There is something wrong with him. I've never seen someone so emotional in my life.
What could it be though?

I try to keep my mind focused on helping him but I keep thinking about the quiet humble guy from the neighboring island.
I defiantly don't love him. Or know him really.
I won't do it. I'll march to my father and let him know I don't need a man to run this village and I will not marry for anything but love.

Yet I never tried to fall in love. I never really gave any guys the time of day. But that's because I'm busy and I don't have time for romance and crap.
But now my father has brought a man with the promise I will marry him and unite our peoples. And I don't know if its something I'm willing to do.
He didn't even talk to me. He just brought this guy over and hasn't even told me yet but plans on making me marry him!

"You look funny." My eyes land on Maui. I roll my eyes. "What is happening​ to you? " I exclaim as I reach out to stop him from getting up.
"I don't know but I like it." He slurs his words. "I feel like a bird. Wee!" He puts his arms out like he's flying.
"Man I wish I was bird." He comments disappointed.
He's lost it.

I watch him examine his arm.
"I have some pretty cool tattoos.." he notes.
"Watch! This one moves" he announces excitedly. Pointing​ to mimi Maui.
I watch mini Maui shake his head before pointing to his own leg.
My eyes land on Maui's leg.

I cant believe I didn't see that.
I bend down and grip the large thorn in his calf.
"Whoa curly. Maybe we shouldn't move so fast. I should at least take you on an across ocean adventure first. You know, Common courtesy." He smiles at his mumbled joke.

I rip it from his leg. Black ooze surfaces. I recognize this stuff but I've never seen it this bad.
Uhh, what to do?

I squeeze his leg and watch the black leave him.

Whoa. I've never seen it that bad before. Not that much-...
I look at his leg.
That's actually pretty nasty.
I cant help but pull back a bit.
"You'll be better when you wake up tough guy." I mumble as I glance at him.
So that happened.... it must have been from the tree. That's why he said all those silly things.
I sigh in relief.
Good. He was really starting to give me the creeps. I mean it started to get amusing for a minute.

I chuckle remembering him flapping his arms like they were wings.
My eyes land on the water. Marriage.
Oh gods... can't I have more adventures before this one? The one that ends all adventures.

Or maybe marriage will allow me to sail more often. Go further while someone takes care of the island. Someone I can come back to and tell them my amazing stories. Someone who understands my need to travel. And when I had a kid. I could teach them and take them places. And maybe even have a class of explorers to voyage and come back with word of new places when Im old.
But-... kiaum ... I don't know if he's any of those things. I don't know if he would take care of my island..of my people. Or be willing to wait while I travel. Or encourage dangerous voyages.
Not everybody comes back from the ocean like I do. I-....

I'm just not ready! I can't spend my life looking at the ocean again.
I can't stop the call inside me. And I can't give it up. I can't live my life giving up what the world has to offer.
But to have what the world is offering, I must forfeit what my island is offering me...

I grip sand on my hand and let it run through my fingers.
I had just told Maui that the God's were always looking for what they couldn't have. And now I sit here thinking I can do the same. I might be the cheifs daughter but I am no god.
I don't get to live forever chasing the world.
My chest pangs with a sense of sorrow.
Dreams are not a luxury a Leader can have, i suppose.

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