A long bad situation

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Moanas pov

"Fight him!?" My eyes land on a dark skinned man stacked of muscles almost as large as maui's and a savage look in his eyes.
"Because you will die if you don't" she announces watching me. "He's going to kill me when I do! I don't understand why do I need to fight him?" "One path weighs with truth and the other ultimately with peace... either way your choice now will decide."

Fight him? These are warring tribes. This is how I prove my worth to them? This is literally life and death and I am just some clumsy island girl with like 2 days of training.

I look him over. He stands several inches taller than me and wider. Dozens of pounds heavier... I bet 10 times my strength. And he looks brutal. Just mad and serious and hateful...

I can't do this... I should have listened to Maui. "I suggest you focus way-finder. Tancu's hits can mean death." her voice is informational and playful.
I don't doubt that. But what happens if I manage not to die?

I'm not given any more time to think or question what is going on. He charges and chases me as I barrel around barely avoiding him.
I have nothing to fight back with. And even if I did I don't know how to use weapons. The closest thing to a weapon I've ever used is my oar. But it's on the canoe.
And it's just an oar!

What I wouldn't give to have Maui here right now.

Nothing like being chased around in a circle of torches outlined in the dirt to make you question your skill set.
Should have been a warrior...
I can't run from this guy forever, I mean he's a brute.
I have to find something, anything. My foot slides in the sand and slams into a torch and it throws fire over my head. I dunk. I'm so dead.
I look up quickly. Oh no oh no. I'm going to die and I think I got a splinter. I glance at my foot.
The torch! I scramble to it and pull it from the sand with a..small... struggle.
This is kind like an oar. And it's strong. I can-
I'm out of time, from the corner if I can tell. I swing the torch. I feel it hit in a thwack before I pull it back to me and flee sloppily.
I have to do this. She said me and Maui could leave if I completed the training. But I didn't think it would be this crazy.
I turn on my heels and see him charging like I expected him to. I get ready.
I swing as hard as I can right into his chest, pulling it over his head and then pushing my heal down and slamming it backwards against his head.

And now he's angry. What do I do now?
I'm going to-
"Enough Tancu. She did well don't you think?" Her voice pulls my eyes, makes me able to breathe again. But doesn't slow down my heart in my chest.
He grunts in approval. I look around at them wide eyed.
That was....intense.
I don't have a good feeling about this...
Mauis pov

I see her for the first time In a moon cycle. And I can see the change.
My eyes widen at the immediate realization.
Poerava has taught her.
She stands facing a man 3 times her size. In their hands nothing but poles.
I watch her block his strikes and move her eyes following his moves. Dodging but not running.
She's learned well. Really well.
Poevera's voice rings out, a signal word and several more people step into the circle.
Moana doesn't panic or hesitate as she counts her opponents now. You can see her eyes take them in.
Fear hits my chest. 4 on 1? This is crazy.
I feel a boy pull on my arm to gesture me ahead.

My eyes land on where I am going. Poevera.
She waves the boys off, "Watch. She's a hard worker."

Moana doesn't notice me. She dodges and blocks. Leaves the ground relying on the pole. Kicking and knocking them out of the circle, skillfully.
When she's done she's breathing hard and sweating. But smiling at herself.
Claps from spectators... chants. Warroir. Warroir. Respect.
By the time Moana turns to poevera, her eyes are closed and she kneels down. Her fist to the sand. Just like she did her father...

When her head rises her eyes open with a smile, happy from the progress I'm sure but also for Poevera to see.
But it dies as soon as she sees me. Her eyes widen, and tears brim them.
She swallows hard but doesn't fight them. She keeps her stance as they roll down her cheeks.
"You've shown strength beyond what I thought you would. It was your hard work and dedication that took everything you were taught and turned it into the skill we just saw." Poevera stands, pulling her hood down. She reaches beside her and grabs a coconut.
She makes her way to Moana. "Your story holds only truths that will be taught for generations. Restorer of the heart of tefiti. Defeater of Takah. And now warrior born of the ocean. Moana of Montinui....rise."
When Moana stands, Poevera dips her hand in the coconut and spreads 3 fingers across her cheek and chin.
"Tonight we feast with our newest warrior!"  She announces loudly. 
Cheers erupt.
"Moana will carry our island with her now! And through her we will travel as far as the eye can see!"
More cheers. They flood the circle and carry her away. 

Tired and lively. Tearstained cheeks, dirty and bruised skin. Smile, broad and genuine. Pain earned feels different somehow. 

I stay back and let my thoughts wonder as she's carried off.  


She hugs me like she's been scared. She leans into me in a way that pushes all her skin against me.
After not seeing her for so long. Even the smell of her hair overwhelms me. Her arms wrap around my neck tightly, and I pull her off the ground holding her against me.

"Are you okay?" Her breathe in my ear makes my arms loosen.
"Are you?"
I feel her arms tighten around my neck, her nose touches my shoulder. "Yes. She promised me you were getting food and water." Her lips brush my shoulder as she speaks and sends goosebumps down my arm and across my chest.
"I was... I was fine." I ensure her.
My eyes glance up at Poevera. Who stands watching our reunion.
Poevera's methods aren't always...sane. I'm sure she's put Moana through some things I wish she would never have to do. I set Moana down, "lets get out of here." I whisper in to her hair as I pull up from her.
But picking a fight won't get us off this island. And that's where I want to be. Off this island.

"I wish you safe travels." She gestures Moana back to her canoe. Which she practically runs too. I smile at her.
She missed the ocean, her canoe.
She lets the sail down immediately and runs her hand over it, closing her eyes.
"You are playing a loosing game demi God." Poeveras voice pulls my eyes, she watches Moana too.
"I do not blame you this time. I suggest you play while you can. She wont live forever."
With that she turns away.
"Be nice to her, she might very well kick you overboard now." She's amused with herself.
I roll my eyes. So clever, she thinks herself to be. Always has.

I join Mo on the canoe and push us off the shore.
I wait till Poerava is far behind us before I turn to her.
She's looking at me already, tears in her eyes again.
I watch them fall, slowly.
I can't help myself. I move to embrace her. Seeing her cry makes me feel...like I failed her. And I did.
She shouldn't have had to go through that. I should have helped her.

Her hand lands on my bicep, she squeezes it hard releasing a small sob. I pull her face from my shoulder and take in her red eyes and curled lips. Scrunched nose and horribly Ugly bent eyebrow.
She's an ugly crier... and I cant look away...
"I'm sorry." She apologizes to me in a whisper, "you were right. And I didn't listen."
I shake my head quickly. My hand goes to her cheek and I wipe a tear away, "no. Hey. It's not your fault." I insist.
I let my hand move into her deep waves. "I was suppose to protect you." I remind her.
"And I didn't."
"Its okay." she sniffs.
It's not. Poerava is crazy. I can't imagine the things she had her do.
"You were In a cage, I was fine." She wipes her own cheek.
"Its not the first cage I've stayed in Moana. I know poerava can be harsh-"
"She was. She was crazy..." she interrupts me. "But it worked." She admits her tears drying up slowly. I take her in as she comes to terms with it.
"I feel...stronger. More capable." She explains.
I don't move my hand from her hair...cause I don't want to. I don't want her to pull away. She might have come to terms with it. But I realize the second she backs up I haven't.
"I feel tired." She decides finally with a huff. Turning back to the ocean.
I watch her silently. Taking In the little differences.
Her hair is longer, her arms more toned even though it has only been a moon cycle... she probably hasn't stopped since we got on that island.

"Get some sleep" I instruct her, nudging the oar.
Her eyes land on me, "where are we going?"
"There is this island I stumbled across when I was younger. Its beautiful. You'll love it. The best part. No people." I convince her with my charm easily.
She goes to argue but something stops her. She glances at the water then back to me.
"Okay. But only for a few days."
I want to question her. What's the rush? 

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