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A smile grows on moana's face as she reaches the shore.

"How were the fishing rounds today?" Her mother smiles.
She embraces her daughter who returns her heartfelt gesture.

"There was a school on the wayward side. We got enough to do for the week. Our fisherman will be able to enjoy some time working in the village." Moana informs her almost excited, yet Sina listens to her daughter and knows better.

She offers a small smirk going with the triumphant mood of her daughter over her suspicion.
"Time with their families moana, would probably be appreciated." She suggests.
"I already talked to them. They are happy to help around the village to repair huts." The young cheif announces.
"Plus the chief does not need to return to unfinished tasks... We can handle while he's gone." She shrugs lightly working around her mother.

Moanas pov

I nod and wave as I walk through the village with my mother.
Everyone is busy at work.

"Oh, Laymui gave me an outfit today." I bring it up casually as I turn and look at her clueless expression.
"Did you request one ?" She tries to hold a smile back.
"No. " i keep my demeanor calm as i turn and continue walking down the path.

" i wouldn't request material that could be used for better purposes. Like growing kids clothes and blankets or tapestries to replace the torn ones in the myiaton's hut" i jester to the the left to emphasise my point.
"The myiatons tapestries were replaced last night." Mom informs me.
"Not the point." I inform her.
"Ahh, youre too serious these days, the village is well taken care of." She dismisses my argument.

She stops just in front of me to where i cant go around.

"Youre a great cheif moana. You've done well in your fathers absence. He'll be very proud." Her hand lands on my shoulder.
Im forced to look at the soft smile on her lips. I notice the wrinkles beside her eyes and her lips.
Shes growing older.
But I've never seen her spirit  more alive and playful.

"You've earned a break."
I look at her knowingly.
Ive heard it before. And maybe i do deserve a break but time off is time i just dont have. Taking care of the village untill father gets back is my only priority. Then I can have my break.

"I know but i don't get a break just yet. Im not done. You know that" 
I smile and squeeze her hand softly before stepping off toward the village square.

"Chief moana!"
My body reacts before my mind does, My eyes land on lian. One of the older boys in the village yet still young enough to be a kid.

"Moana!" He's running up the hill.
I move to meet him.
"Lain. What is it?" I look back behind him for a fire or crowd or something.

My eyes land on him waiting for the problem.

"He's returned. Your dad." He points to the sea.
My eyes land on the edge of the reef.
Relief washes over me. My eyes land on the familiar sails of my fathers canoes.
4 boats... that means there is an extra canoe?
"He's brought visitors." I note aloud.

We rush to join our people ready to meet the returning voyagers.

I watch mom run past me. She collides with my dad, embracing him.
He's only been gone 4 months but its felt like a year.

His voyage to the neighboring island must have been successful.
I wait to hear the news.
My fathers eyes land on me.

He embraces me in a hug.
"How was it ?" I ask eagerly.
"It was good." He says with a smile.
A forced one.
My expression falters,
"Just good ?"

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