I'm Trusting You

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An extra pair of eyes or ears would have been extremely helpful because the little signs that made Thomas believe Y/N was still out there never stopped. In fact, they grew even more abundant. Today was the third day Thomas had been running the maze with Minho, and he was undoubtably confident enough to run alone now.

"Right, Greenie." Minho slowed down as they approached the inner ring of the maze. "You think you can run alone without gettin' yourself killed?"

Thomas rolled his eyes and send Minho an unimpressed glare. "Yeah, pretty sure."

"Alright. You know the rules, and be back before those doors close. Find anything? Let. Me. Know." Minho jabbed Thomas in the chest three consecutive times tauntingly before eyeing him one last time and running off.

Still slightly disoriented and confused ambling around the maze, Thomas kept his focus on one objective: to find whatever it was that was on this piece of paper. It looked like a small entrance of sorts hidden behind a thick wall of ivy. What that told Thomas was that he needed to find a piece of maze where one wall stuck out, corridors on either side of it. If he found that, he'd know he was in the right place. It would just be a matter of finding out what was so important about it to Y/N.

Thomas took three turns to the left. Those three turns was all it took before he was faced with a protruding piece of wall shrouded with ivy, paths on either side of it. Almost too convenient. It looked like an island in the middle of an ocean. Holding up the paper in front of his eyes and comparing it to his surroundings, the runner knew he was in the right place. He took a couple cautious steps forwards before stopping at the sound of footsteps again.


No answer. More footsteps. The wind began to pick up. A knife from above came careening at Thomas' face, clattering against the stone wall behind him as it just barely missed.

"HEY!" He hollered out of impulse, which, was probably an awful idea. In the very least, he now knew it wasn't Minho who had thrown that knife. Thomas was sure the keeper of the runners wasn't quite that precise with his throws. Even if Minho had tried to miss by a few inches, he probably would have still hit Thomas between the eyes.

"Y/N... if that's you..." Thomas held up his arms in defence, looking upwards to where he knew the knife came from. "I'm here to—"

"Where'd you get the drawing?" A disembodied voice echoed from above. It surely wasn't one of the boys. At this point, Thomas had to just assume it was her.

"Gally. He said you left it for him the night before you disappeared?"

The girls body tensed at the sound of Gally's name."Yeah," Y/N confirmed. "And he was supposed to keep it safe."

"Can you just come down—so we can talk?" Thomas pleaded, his neck aching from constantly having to look up at absolutely nothing.

"First, a truce." Y/N demanded.

Thomas knew he had no choice. "Alright, what is it?"

"You don't tell Minho, or any of the other Gladers—Gally—about me or what I'm about to show you, and I'll stop throwing knives at you."

Thomas didn't want to agree. Really, honestly, did not want to agree. Gally, Minho, Newt, and Alby would all be beyond relieved to find out that Y/N was alive. Why she didn't want them to know? He had no idea. At this point, he didn't really have any other choice but to agree because a knife to the head didn't sound all that great.

"Deal." He shouted back up. A couple of minutes passed and Thomas stood awkwardly in the corridor, painfully aware of the eery silence. He just hoped Y/N wasn't up there planning her next shot.

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