To Finally Snap

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Gally woke to a sickness in his stomach. A kind of sickness he'd never felt before. It wasn't a cold or stomach flu, it was anxiety. Gally wasn't the kind to like uncertainty, and dragging the Gladers into the maze in hopes of finding a way out made his stomach churn. What if things went wrong? What if they walked into a trap? Worse, what if something happened to Y/N?

"Gally?" Y/N's soft voice met Gally's ears, the warmth from her body melting into his side. She shuffled around and rubbed her tiered eyes while he ran his hands through her hair. If he had a choice, he'd stay right here forever. No worries of finding a way out and fighting to survive in whatever world there was out there.

"Yea?" He mumbled.

"Do you think we'll make it out?"

Gally paused for a moment. In response, he just huffed and shrugged his shoulders. His hopes weren't exactly high.

Eating breakfast was a little awkward, especially since many of the other Gladers hadn't agreed to come today. It was mostly the Slicers who had convinced themselves leaving was an awful decision, but a vast amount of people nevertheless. Gally tried to convince some of his builders, but a good amount of them stayed as well.

When the maze doors groaned open, a large crowd of people stood before them. Some of the boys looked petrified, others excited and some completely unfazed. Minho gave some long, awful drawn out speech about being careful and not touching anything. Once he was done, the group was racing down the echoey halls, side by side, towards the secret door. Y/N opened it up with her dagger just like she had every other time and many of the boys gasped when it opened.

The girl bravely led them inside and left Minho in charge of organizing groups. In a seemingly endless hallway like this one, it was better people ran in small groups until someone found an exit. Minho had a feeling there was one and wanted as much ground covered as quickly as possible. He was walking into this determined and unwavering.

"Alright, everyone's got their groups and knows the plan. Y/N, Thomas, and myself will check in with every group we come across while running. So, let us know if you find anything or have any problems."

With that, the first group comprised of Winston, Chuck, Clint and Jeff head off down the hall. Then, the others set off once the group before them faded into the darkness. Y/N and the others were the last to leave.

It wasn't long before someone began calling out Minho's name. With the sound, the group of four raced towards the source, rounding corner after corner blindly, just hoping they were heading in the right direction. After what felt like fifteen minutes of running, the silhouettes of four boys began to come into focus for Thomas.

"Hey, up ahead! I see Jeff!" He hollered.

"How can you see him shuckface?!" Minho snapped. "It's dark!"

"There's an exit! I-It's sunlight!" He exclaimed, picking up his speed.

The group made it to the others sooner than they thought they would. At the end of the hall was a blindingly bright exit, one which they assumed led to the outside world. Knowing they couldn't move forwards until everyone else joined them, Minho and Thomas shouted peoples names until everyone arrived in the same place. It took a while, but the exit certainly wasn't going anywhere as long as they stayed put. Y/N refused to even turn her back on it.

"Hey, Newt." Chuck tugged at Newt's shirt. "Imma go take a closer look."

"Ok," The second-in-command nodded softly. "Just be careful. Don't go too far."

"You got it," The boy sounded back, slowly hobbling off down the hall.

As the last boys arrived, everyone cheered. But, over the cheers, Y/N heard cries. Horrified ones, too.

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