Put Yourself First For Once

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Gally froze, muscles ripping beneath his skin. There she was, on the crumbling rooftop with Newt, Minho, Thomas and Teresa. He'd looked everywhere for her and waited outside even longer. His entire purpose of being here, a part of this mess, was to get Y/N out. After getting tied up in a series of mishaps that all led him astray after getting on that bus with Brenda, he'd never gotten the chance to search the building for Y/N. He hadn't heard anything about anyone else finding her. Eventually, he was forced to abandon his cause and help Brenda get everyone on the berg. Once there, he was stuck. He fought, but Vince and Frypan had forced him into the berg and he hadn't had a choice. There was no getting off the berg unless he wanted to free fall more than a couple hundred feet in the air.

All he had been hoping this whole time was that she was with the others. For once in his life, something he hoped for had come true. She was here and she was alive. No, she didn't look like she had much left in her to keep fighting with, but she was here. That was enough.

"Y/N!" He hollered out as loud as he could, climbing to the edge of the berg's ramp. Reaching out his hand, he waved for them to start moving faster.

Y/N stumbled over her own feet, almost taking Newt and Minho with her into the ground. Her eyes went wide and she felt the smoke burning them. Minho was just as surprised. "Gally?"

"Sorry, forgot to mention Gally was still alive." Newt coughed.

Y/N, Newt, and Minho struggled to the edge of the rooftop, waiting for the berg to come close enough. It wasn't going to be easy getting everyone on, but they had to do it. They had no choice. Beneath their feet, the building was about to go down. "Take Newt!" Y/N shout.

Gally seemed to sigh in disagreement as he raised his brows, pulling his lips into a straight line and tilting his head. He wanted to pull Y/N up first. Of course he did. But he knew that right now, that wasn't an option and she wouldn't let it happen. It was better right now to get Newt up as fast as he could instead of wasting time arguing about who made it onto the berg first.

With the help of couple others, Gally hauled Newt up onto the berg. Right away, he passed off his friend to some others who could help look after him.

Once again, Gally turned his attention to Y/N. Instead of latching onto his hand, she urged Minho to take it first. The keeper of the runners disagreed but Y/N shoved at him gently. "We're going to need people to pull Thomas on. They need you up there first."

Minho couldn't argue with that logic. So, he took Gally's help and rolled onto the berg with hands grappling at him from all sides. Without even a second thought, Minho turned and knelt beside Gally, ready to help the next person.

Now finally ready to have Y/N back, Gally leaned even further forward, limbs stretching to their limit. After already hauling two people up inside of this berg, he was exhausted and his muscles burned in agony. But he couldn't stop or give in. He knew he couldn't. Y/N wasn't grabbing hold of him though. She just stood there for a moment, seemingly conflicted.

"Don't be a brave shank—" He reached out, knowing exactly what that look on her face meant. She was about to do the opposite of what both of them wanted. "Y/N!" He screamed out after her as she turned to run and grab Thomas and Teresa.

"Woah, no you don't!" Minho put a hand out and stopped Gally. The builder was quite literally just about to jump out of the berg and go after her. "You insane? Just trust her!"

It took all the strength she had left, and quite literally, wasn't aware she had. To get Thomas to his feet with the help of Teresa and across the small section of roof that was becoming increasingly unstable. Y/N knew they had no more than a minute left. Getting Thomas onto the berg was harder than she thought it would be. He could hardly keep himself upright, the berg kept moving too much and the building shook even more.

For a brief moment, Y/N caught Gally's heartbroken eyes. Had she made the wrong choice? No. Helping her friends first was the right thing no matter the cost. It was the fact through that the cost of putting her friends first was Gally that cut her deep, though. If she didn't make it out of this, what was going to happen to Gally? They finally had a chance here to get out, away from WICKED, and live. A few seconds here were going to determine whether that future ever came to be or not.

"Okay, Thomas you have to get up there." Y/N said forcefully. The berg was as close as it was going to get. With everything she and Teresa had, they helped Thomas make his weak leap for the berg. Somehow he made it.

Faster than after anyone else he'd lift onto the berg, Gally turned back to Y/N. He was yelling things now that Y/N couldn't even decipher. Up through her legs she felt the vibration of everything beneath her crumbling away. The world was moving side to side.

Old instincts set in. Or, it was just survival. Y/N broke into a full sprint without even thinking twice, racing for the edge of the building. "Teresa jump!" She yelled out as she did the same herself.

Somehow, Y/N managed to grab hold of the edge of the berg as it lift away and the building below dissappered. She felt hands grabbing her by the arms and legs, pulling her up by anything that could be grab hold of. Once she was up, someone had her pulled in close to their chest, arms wrapped so tight around she was having a hard time breathing.

Y/N's head snapped around, counting, making sure everyone really had made it. It wasn't until she noticed they were one person short that she realized Teresa hadn't jumped with her. In that moment, despite the guilt she felt, she knew there was nothing she could do. No scrambling over the edge of the berg and dropping into those flames was going to bring anyone back. She was here now and had to stay.

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