Lunchtime's Over

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 "Would you look at that, he survived his first day on his own." Minho crossed his arms, standing at the opposite side of the table in the map room.

"Shut up, Minho." Thomas laughed.

"So, bring anything interesting back?" He asked.

Thomas shrugged weakly and skipped his gaze around the room, trying to avoid Minho. He pulled out some of the papers he'd shoved into his pocket and they dumped all over the floor. Quickly, he scrambled to pick them all up and locate Y/N's drawing, making sure Minho didn't find it. When he did, he shoved it back into his pocket and handed Minho the other drawings.

The keeper of the runners took Thomas' drawings, but eyed Thomas suspiciously as he struggled to jam the paper down. "What's that you got there?"

"Oh—nothing, just uh—a bad drawing." Thomas cringed.

"You're not hiding anything from me, are ya greenie?" Minho's voice got deeper and darker as he approached Thomas. The brunette stumbled back and shook his head, face going pale.

"You scare easy, Thomas. Grow a pair, would ya?" He snickered, backing off. "I know I'm intimidating, but not that scary."

A quick, sharp, nauseated breath escaped Thomas' lungs and he followed Minho back to the table. "Looks like you explored a little of section five..."

Minho rambled for what felt like forever. Thomas, very quickly, found himself losing focus entirely and becoming lost in his swarm of thoughts.

"Who else was Y/N close with?"

"You ever gonna stop asking about her?" Minho raised a brow. Thomas could tell that even when Minho tried to brush off any discussion of her, the thought of his former running partner still stung. "But, uh—Besides Gally who was glued to her, she was close with Newt, Winston and Frypan. She and Fry talked a lot, actually.."

Minho grew quiet, busying himself with the map that lay before him. Thomas could tell he was purposely trying to distract himself.

"You don't honestly think she's gone either, do you?" He asked.

Minho stood stiffly and ran his hand through his hair, letting out an aggravated, yet broken sigh. "I dunno, greenie. I've just been trying to forget."

Thomas knew it was probably better he didn't ask too many questions, no matter how many swelled in his mind. In order to resist the urge, he slipped out of the map room without Minho taking notice.

Of all people, Frypan was the last person he'd expected Y/N to be close to. It didn't seem they'd have anything in common, but regardless, it seemed Y/N got on with just about anyone. Confronting Frypan about his seemingly dead friend didn't seem like the greatest idea. But, Thomas wanted answers. He wanted insight. Hopefully, Frypan could give that to him. If not, well, he'd likely leave with a black eye.

Walking towards the homestead, Thomas spotted the cook. He was cleaning up the kitchens, obviously focused and lost in thought. Hesitantly, Thomas approached, knowing he was doing the right thing, no matter how terrifying.

"Frypan..." Thomas piped up a couple metres away from the cook. A pair of lively brown eyes met Thomas' and Frypan dropped his things.

"Ah, Greenie! Thomas? What's up?" He placed his hands on his hips and furrowed his brows.

Thomas' words got stuck in his throat. "I wanted to talk to you about Y/N."

The name made Frypan's face fall and his entire frame sink. It obviously wasn't what he wanted to hear, but it also seemed to weaken him. Under the influence of her name, Frypan didn't seem so filled with energy. "What do you want to know, Greenie?"

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