Shortage Of Mercy

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Gally woke up in a berg. It wasn't a pleasant awakening. There was a literal hole in his chest. He tried to breathe but all he felt was a stabbing pain and hardly any air coming in.

"Hey, kid. You alright?" Someone asked.

Gally grabbed at his chest in a panic but the person reached out and pulled his hands away. "You had a spear in your chest, buddy. It's going to need to heal. You're safe now, though. Safe from WICKED."

He would have liked to ask a thousand different questions but before he even had the chance, he passed out again from the pain.

The boy shut his eyes tight and rocked his body back and forth slightly in hopes of shaking the cries trapped inside of his chest. Everyone else in the room could hear his shaky breaths. They tried not to pay him any attention. He wasn't even fully sure of where he was. One thing for certain was that he was a long ways away from the Glade. These people were strangers and likely the only reason he was alive, being treated so well, like a fragile animal, was because he was immune. He was handled with care because he was one of WICKED's subjects.

His head and heart had suffered too much trauma in the past two weeks and his entire body was atrophied. Losing Y/N, being stung, killing Chuck, nearly killed himself, wasn't just something he could let go of and find himself healed in a few months. This was permanent, a piece of himself torn apart. All of his time in the Glade, while still being a kind and reasonable person, had always held together his reputation as the one to not cross. He could keep the greenies in line and he wasn't afraid to use the fact that some of the boys saw him as a monster as a reason to protect others.

But here and now? Gally felt so far from himself. Back in the Glade, when WICKED started controlling him, he'd completely lost himself. Yes, he was torn up by the loss of Y/N for a second time. But placing all that blame on Thomas, becoming violent and turning his back on all of his friends wasn't him. None of that was Gally. Now, he was just a hollow shell and struggled to just keep his head aloft.

He knew nothing heals the past like time, but this was just too much. Everything hurt. Absolutely everything. Each beat of his heart stung and every breath tore at his airway. It felt as if a ten thousand pound weight was crushing him, making it impossible to move.

A fist slammed on the table in front of Gally. He didn't even open his eyes. That was until the person started shouting with a loud voice. "Look at me!"

Gally did all he could to look up. It felt pointless.

"I don't care if your world is falling apart, I don't care that you're half dead, I don't care what you lost." The voice callously shook Gally's mind. "You're here now and we have a job for you."

"I don't want it!" Gally shout back, finally fed up. His eyes were blood shot, his skin sickly looking from all the blood he'd lost no more than a day ago. "Listen, thanks for patching me up, realizing I was immune, and brining me here. But I don't want your damn job."

"Sure about that?" The guy snarled. Then, all of the sudden, something was slapped down in front of him on the table. "You sure you don't want to help?"

Gally tried to clear his eyes. It was a picture. A picture of Y/N, being dragged inside a building by guards with WICKED written on their armour. "Those sons of bitches that put you in the maze are still at it, looking for a cure. We got inside information a couple days ago. Apparently, this girl knows a whole lot and so they're isolating her. Locking her away for good until they find out how much she actually remembers."

Gally froze. His tears stopped falling. How more sick and twisted was the world going to get? He'd lost Y/N twice, the last time thinking she really was dead, just to resurface once again and rip him apart from the inside.

"What do you need me to do?" His mind was changed entirely. Since being separated from everyone else from the Glade, he had no one and he had nothing. This was his only chance. Y/N, somehow getting her back, was his only chance for a future.

"We need you to find a way into the city." The man said. "We also received word that your friends from the maze are on the move. They broke out of the WICKED compound. If they survive long enough and make their way here, you bring them to me."

Gally looked down in contemplation. It seemed he didn't have any other options. It was stay here, work with these people, or rot out on the streets somewhere.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah." Gally spoke quietly. "I'll help you, Lawrence."

Y/N wasn't thrown into the room she was used to for testing. She'd been here nearly a week, at least from what she could count. A couple of days ago, someone new had arrived who had been doing most of her testing. It was a girl around her age, with dark hair. She tried to talk to her, but it never seemed to work. This time, it was just a small blank room with a table that she'd been tossed into. When she turned around, the guards were dragging someone in behind her. It was Minho.

"Minho?!" She yelped.

"Y/N?" He responded just as surprised. The pair found themselves in a tight hug.

"Yeah," She held his shoulders at an arms distance. "What are you doing here?"

"WICKED got me." He admit. "We got out of the maze, made our way through the scorch, then someone amidst our company turned us in."

"Someone turned you in? What?" Y/N asked. She couldn't think of a single person from the Glade who would do that.

"Teresa, she showed up in the box right after we lost you in the maze, the day before we escaped." He explained.

"Wait, hold on." Y/N knit her brows in confusion. "Teresa? As in the one here? Doing the testing?"

Minho looked out the window to catch eyes with Teresa, standing there with Dr. Paige and Janson. "Yeah. She betrayed us."

"Okay, well," Y/N shook her head, trying to get things straight. As far as Y/N was concerned, Teresa was a fairy good person. The fact that Teresa had been in the maze with her friends when they escaped was new information. "Where is everyone else? Are they okay?"

Minho grimaced. "I don't know where they are, probably on the move somewhere out in the scorch after these WICKED shanks bombed our camp. I know Thomas, Newt, and Fry are all okay. That's about it."

Y/N froze. "Gally?" She asked.

Minho nearly retched on the spot. That was a memory he'd since tried to force out of his mind. "He's—he's dead."

"What?" Y/N felt her hands tightening on Minho's shoulders. "What happened? Minho, please tell me." She shook him a little in hopes he'd spit out an answer.

The boy watched as Y/N's eyes became glassy. "He was stung. WICKED cracked him after we lost you and he went mad. Chuck...he killed Chuck. I did what had to be done."

He braced himself for a punch to the face, for a scream to erupt from the girl. Instead, she swiped at her cheeks and then once again hugged Minho. He felt her stifle a sob in an attempt to hold herself together. "It's okay."

Minho knew they were in for a long haul here. Those doctors outside looked hungry as they watched Y/N and himself. There was no doubt they were going to be their main subjects for searching for a cure. He knew their friends might come after them someday, but he wasn't sure if they'd ever be fast enough. All he could do now was hold Y/N back, trying to force out all of the uncertainty that was gnawing at his mind. 

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