One Way Up

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 Since their last meeting, Y/N had been locked away in a new room. She was far away from anyone else, more isolated than she already had been, and she hadn't seen Minho since. He had been the one person WICKED let her interact with all this time in an attempt to keep them both sane, but that privilege had since been stripped away.

To hear the buildings sirens wailing did come as a surprise, though. She had no idea what was going on but all she could hope was that it meat someone was here. That things were going to change.

Teresa had just departed from Thomas and Newt, leaving them to fend for themselves on the run from Janson and his men while they looked for Minho.

Y/N had said to find another way. When teresa stole that piece of fabric with Thomas' blood on it from when she took out all of the Gladers tracking devices, she brought it back here. She thought his blood might just have the ability to destroy the virus. As quickly as she could, she ran across the building to where Y/N was being held. Teresa knew she couldn't change what had already happened and what might happen as this evening drew on. What she could try to do was the right thing, the one that would keep people alive. In this case, it was Newt. She had to push aside the want to simply prove here and now that Thomas' blood had the ability to act as a cure. Right now, she had to focus on putting aside the goal she'd been chasing and choose to save a former friend.

"Teresa?" Y/N sat up stiffly as the dark haired girl forcer her way into Y/N's small room. "What are you doing?"

"Getting you out. I need you to do something." She struggled with the restraints on Y/N's hands and eventually broke them away. "Thomas and Newt are here. They're looking for Minho. But Newt is sick. I might have a cure but I need you to bring them to me in the lab."

Y/N was taken aback by Teresa's straightforwardness. "They're here?"

"Yeah," She got Y/N to her feet. "Third floor. Just get them back to me, okay? Newt doesn't have long."

"Okay," Y/N took in a deep breath, trying to clear her vision. "I'll find them."

"Yeah, now go!" She shooed Y/N out of the room. Y/N had been a runner. While yes, she was sick, frail, and lacking all necessary ability to run, Teresa knew she could do it. Y/N would force through it and she knew it.

Gally paced back and fourth outside anxiously. Where were they? Thomas and Newt were supposed to have Minho and Y/N by now, be back out of the building and meeting him here. Any communication he had with them was cut off. They either had found another escape route or were caught right up in WICKED's fingers.

After failing to get his attention, Brenda snuck off of the bus and ran for Gally across the garage. She noticed his tense frame, how he was fully focused staring at the floor while he stomped back and fourth. Sooner or later, he was going to wear a hole in the concrete. She knew in approaching she had to be careful. If she caught him off guard, she'd be in serious danger.

"Gally?" She asked quietly. The boys head rose, still covered by the face shield, but she knew he was paying attention to her now. "We have to go. Vince and Frypan have the berg ready. If we don't go now, we might not get out at all."

Gally tightened his fingers on his gun. Brenda could hear the tension. "Just a few more minutes. We can't leave without her."

"Her?" Brenda asked.

"Y/N." Gally warily spoke. "I'm not leaving without her. If they don't come back, or if they don't have her, I'm gong in alone." He spoke those words with such certainty and force Brenda wasn't going to fight him on it.

"Gally, what if—"

Gally stepped a little closer. Brenda, though she knew Gally as truly good and actually quite soft-hearted person, was still intimidated by him. When he wanted to, he could scare someone with just his sheer size and energy. Though still slightly frightened by him in a way, how Gally was able to make his position known only made her respect him more. He didn't need harsh words, a loud voice, or violence to get his point across. That alone made him a better person than most of those out there.

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