Part 3 - The Hogwarts Express

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I sat down in a lonely compartment, the dark haired boy, red haired boy and the brown haired girl followed and sat down. The girl looked at me and smiled "I'm Hermione Granger!" She said shaking my hand.

"I'm Ron Weasley!" The red haired boy said waving to me. I looked at the dark haired boy who laughed "I'm Harry Potter" He said.

I gasped. I didn't mean it, it just slipped out. They all looked at me "What?" Harry said. I wasn't aloud to tell him, but I couldn't help it, "I'm Charlotte Lily Potter" I whispered.

Hermione gasped but Ron and Harry looked confused. I starred out the window, I felt my face flush red. "What do you mean your Charlotte Lily POTTER?" Harry asked.

I gestured for him to lower his voice, Hermione and Ron looked at me with a 'Are you serious?' look.

"I'm your twin sister" I whispered to him smiling. He looked at me and hugged me closely, I hugged him back finally being able to meet my twin brother after 15 years.

I was so happy about this I felt like it was the perfect time to place a pink bomb on his back. I pulled away and laughed whilst I heard the bomb went off making his back bright pink.

He laughed and wiped it off whilst Hermione hugged me.

The sweet trolley came along "Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked as Harry and Ron stood up.

They bought some Bertie Beans and Chocolate Frogs. We ate them greedily, I got Dumbledore, Salazar Slytherin and Godric Griffendor.

It was hilarious when Ron got a bogey flavoured bean and spat it out. "I have to go with the first years to be sorted which is just great!" I moaned.

"Oh by the way, to everyone else I'm Charlotte or Lottie Lily Dumbledore" I whispered to them as a bunch of Ravenclaws pass the compartment.

They all nod and understand. Then out of no where George and Fred appear "Hey Charlotte!" I shriek and hug them both.

Then I hit then on the back of the head "Why the hell didn't you write to me!!" I shouted pretending to be hurt.

Then they laughed and hugged me again "Because we didn't know where you where" They said in unison. I laughed and remembered that I never gave it to them.

I explained to Hermione, Ron and Harry that I knew the twins because I had come to Hogwarts on holiday and met them and we played loads of tricks around the castle.

We even tricked Dumbledore!

I heard the whistle blow as we stopped. I looked out the window and saw the glorious castle. "Home Sweet Home!" I said.

I'm Charlotte Potter | ✓Where stories live. Discover now