Part 27: Blue Rays??

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The sun shone on my skin, it burned but I couldn't feel it. My whole body feels completely numb. I'm weightless, floating in the sky surrounded by crisp white clouds.

"Well, well, well." I heard a voice from behind me making my whole body freeze. Fright ate at the bottom of my stomach. The voice that has haunted me my entire life, he states that he loves me but all he does is hurt me and my family. What the heck is wrong with him?!

"What?!" I snapped feeling anger pump through my veins, he looked surprised but quickly hid it with a cold stare.

"YOU WILL NEVER SPEAK LIKE THAT TO YOUR MASTER!" He said stepping forward and slapping me with his putrid filthy hands. It made me sick thinking he touched me.

"You are not my master!" I spat with anger lacing my voice, suddenly I felt blue shines coming from my body and he started choking, what's happening? Powers? No. How?

"Get lost! Get out of my head and Harry's!" I yelled before falling backwards.

I sat upright with a scream, I quickly looked over my body to see blue shining off me, I've heard about this but only in books. I quickly transformed into my owl and flew out the window at top speed, I can't handle Madam Pomfrey right now. Once I got outside I am met by harsh cold wind making my whole body shiver so I decided to fly to the nearest tree for shelter under the leaves.

Right brainstorm.

Chapter 67: Paragraph 4: Rare Powers:
There is only one Karaterous at a time and it's usually not passed through genes but chosen at random throughout the timeline. A Karaterous is the rarest power that any body can have, it's where you have powerful powers that could wipe out a whole race if it's used wrongly. A first thing a Karaterous will notice is that spells, tests and potions will be incredibly easy, animals will feel relaxed around them and a Karaterous is usually able to learn how to transform. Next thing they will notice is anger and adrenaline that pumps through the body making them doing thing they never dreamed of doing. Then they will see blue shining off them which is their powers working to kill/injure/harm someone/something else. But if they do not learn to control it could mean danger to all those around them. Only one person is known to know about one, Albus Dumbledore.

Oh My God. What the heck a, I going to do?! I have to ask Dumbledore, wait Cedric! Harry! Vic! What the heck am I doing thinking about myself when I need to see them! Selfish Lottie. I flew to the big door s then transformed as soon as I was far enough from the ground, I burst through the doors to find everyone standing there. Oh great. By everyone I mean Victor, Malfoy, Hermione, Harry, Ron, All the Weasley's, All the Teachers, Dumbledore and Cedric. I instantly froze a as they all starred at me. Dumbledore looked at me through his classes "Charlotte Jae Lily Potter meet me in my office in 20 minutes if you will." He said then turned away, wait he used my real second name?

"LOTT!!" Harry shouted running to capture me in a hug followed by the Weasley's, Hermione and Ron. After 30 minutes they left with the teachers leaving me and Cedric. I look at him with a big smile, he really is my crush.

"What's Vic?" I asked looking around to see that he isn't anywhere.

"He had to go somewhere." Cedric shrugged coming to me and pulling me into a bear hug, I quickly hugged him back feeling comforted by him. He rested his chin on my head as I snuggled into his chest finding warmth. "I love you Charlotte, you gave me a heart attack when we were...there." He said calmly "I thought he was going to kill you. I was so happy when we got back okay but then you started screaming and you fainted. You've been out for a whole week Lottie! Do you know how scared I was?! Then earlier you started shouting and you were letting of blue rays, I went to get Madam Pomfrey and then we got back to you and you had gone. We all met up by the door to go search for you when you burst through the door."

Wow. That's a lot to take in. "Cedric," I started pushing away from hi, to look in his eyes "I love you. I'm sorry for what I put you through, I honestly didn't mean it. As for the blue rays, I'm a Karaterous, I'm not sure what that is but they have powers beyond anyone else. I need to speak to Dumbledore." I kissed him before running to Dumbledores office.

As soon as I entered my heart went into my mouth, that's how nervous I am. "Charlotte calm down, take a seat." He said calmly from behind his chair. I carefully lower myself into the chair opposite his, I can't help but feel even more nervous than I was five minutes ago.

"I know what you are Charlotte but right now isn't the right time to explain about it. Go hang out with your friends for the time being, I will tell you when it's time." Dumbledore said and my mouth fell open in shock, he brought me up here to tell me that he isn't going to tell me!!

I got up and stomped out of the office and to the great hall where everyone is stuffing their faces, including Ron. "Ron?! You have the emotional range of a spoon!" I joked and Hermione snickered remembering when she said that to him. Ron looked at me with a playful stare, I sat down just as Harry pushed a plate in front of me.

"Eat, you haven't in a week you must be starving! You've only had 'liquid food'." He explained and carried on eating. Can I just say...ew. I looked around while eating and caught Vic's gaze and smiled. He stood up and left the hall. What have I done!? I look at my friend to see them looking at their laps nervously.

"We can't tell you yet..." Hermione said. REALLY?!

"IM SICK OF SECRETS. IM IN PAIN RIGTH NOW AND BEIJG KEPT IN THE BLOODY DARK ISNT HELPING!!!!" I shouted then stomped out of Hogwarts and slumped on the wet grass . Cold rain poured down over my body but I felt numb as I cried. My life is getting so messed up, how can I control it? Help!



I have had writers block and really need some comments on what I can put in the next chapter please!

Thank you xxxxxxx

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Chloe <3

I'm Charlotte Potter | ✓Where stories live. Discover now