Part 18 - Mother and the Best Present

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I ran to Dumbledores office and burst in, completely out of breath. I looked around and saw her.

"Charlotte Jae Potter" She said smiling. "Mum..." I said running up to her and hugging her tightly.

"Oh Charlotte! Your so grown up, such a beautiful young witch." She told me kissing my forehead.

I smiled at her "You wanted to see me?" I asked "Why?"

She instantly looked sad and angry "I am here to warn you, honey" She pushed my hair away from my eyes "Danger is upon us, something horrible is about to happen and if your not careful lives will be lost."

I gasped "what ca-" she stopped me "These games have been hacked and corrupted, the Ministry don't even know about it. Just be careful my love. Promise you won't tell anyone about this, it might put them in danger."

I nodded "I will mum, I promise" I hugged her tightly and started silently crying. She wiped away my tear "This isn't the last time you'll see me love, I'll de you again soon."

With that she vanished. I shrunk to the floor happily, I met my mother. "I will" I whispered, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up.

Uncle Albus was there smiling "I saw her! My mum!" I said excitedly. He chuckled "Yes you did my dear, you must go now you're wanted."

I nodded and left his office, I stumbled into a hard chest "Sorry!" I said. I heard a familiar laugh and looked up to see Draco.

"Oh hey Draco!" I said shoving him playfully "Long time no see!" He laughed again.

"Yeah, haven't seen you since you were in hospital..." He stuttered on the last bit but I slapped the back of his head.

"Cheer up misery guts. I'm fine now see?" I said spinning around and smirking at the same time.

"Yeah alright then I believe you cheeky! I better get going, see us!" Draco said before wandering off.

I smiled and waved. "Hey Lot Pot!" I heard, only one person calls me that. I turned around and saw Cedric. "How's it going Ced Bed!" I said back.

He rolled his eyes "Alright I suppose." He laughed "I'll meet you outside the hall before the Yule ball okay?" I nodded and he walked off.

I walked back to the Griffindor common room. I sat down on the arm chair next to Fred and George who were secretly talking.

I ignored them and started talking to Hermione, Ron and Harry. I didn't mention meeting my mum though because I promised.

Suddenly Hedwig burst three the door with a massive package. Harry stood up and looked at the label "It's for you Charlott- Lottie!" I glared at him when he said Charlotte.

I walked over and looked at the package, I looked closely at the label and smirked.

Dear Charlotte Jae,
Hope you will be comfy in this for the Yule Ball and I bet all eyes will be on you, from your dearest black dog.

"Who is it from Lottie?" Ron and Hermione chorused. They all leaned in close "Sirius." I whispered.

They all nodded smirking. I tapped my nose then opened the package. We all gasped, it's the most beautiful dress in the world.

This is the best day ever.

I hope your all enjoying this book as much as I am!!! I can't put it down!

I might do a Q&A on this so comment your questions and I'll answer them in the next chapter.

Updating chapters a lot for you guys!! How lucky are you?! :•)

So many things happening! Meeting her mum! I bet you can't wait to see her dress!!

Well that's all for today.

As usual comment and vote<3


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